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What is the best bedding to get for my hamster that reduces smell and is comfortable to the hamster

And is this cage to small it is 12 in. long and 10 in. wide and tall

2007-03-05 13:55:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Other - Pets

5 answers

If your using a tank, you will need to clean it at least weekly, sometimes twice weekly. We have found thet Care Fresh (pet stores) and Critter Care (Wal Mart) work the best and if the problem arises that you need to go two weeks between changes, you can. Cedar and pine should never be used since they cause breathing problems. Aspen can also but it's less likely. We have only had a problem with aspen with our female rat, we now use either Critter Fresh or Care Fresh for her. one thing to be careful of when using a tank is mold that can grow on the poop or where they urinate when the tank air is humid. This is very toxic to them and can lead to a variety of health problems.

2007-03-05 15:20:07 · answer #1 · answered by wolfinator25840 5 · 0 0

Avoid newspapers and other printed paper as bedding because your hamster may consume the ink when they are tearing up the paper to make a nest. Also do not use cedar and pine shavings as bedding for hamster's cages because there have been reports that it can be toxic for hamsters. The use of fluffy/cellulose bedding, which has the appearance of fiberglass/cotton wool, is also suspected to cause choking, pouch infections and intestine blockages. Be very careful picking out bedding. Shredded paper bedding is always best. Or even soft tissue. These won't minimize the smell but it will keep your hamster safe. Plus to get rid of the smell clean your hamsters cage often. Plus that size sounds reasonable, but it depends on the size of your hamster. Good luck to ya.

2007-03-05 14:06:51 · answer #2 · answered by Model_Gal 2 · 0 0

The size of the cage depends on the size of the hamster, and for the bedding buy Care fresh its the best bedding out there. Cedar pine and even aspen beddings cause respitory problems for your hamster. Care fresh is great because it controls odor very well, and is healthy for your hamster because it does not cause any respitory problems.

2007-03-05 14:02:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a cage the size of a 10 gallon aquarium would be good. this will allow for exercise wheel, toys and a dining area and a bathroom. if using a aquarium be sure to get a good locking/fitting lid. as for a good litter that is both absorbant ant comfortable, we use a litter called carefresh. our rabbit seems to like it compared to cedar/pine, which can be hard and stick their little paws. it lasts twice as long as cedar/pine litter and holds three times the amount of liquid. the product itself is made from pulp waste that can't be made into regular paper. i wish it was out when we had our hamsters 13 years ago

2007-03-05 14:18:04 · answer #4 · answered by ♥ cat furrever ♥ 6 · 0 0

do not get the pine or cedar shavings because prolonged exposure to the aroma can cause kidney problems. i like getting the carefresh pet beddings because it's odorless and has great control. my hamsters love it too

2007-03-05 15:06:26 · answer #5 · answered by viewtifuldee 3 · 0 0

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