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Does anyone know of any apartments in the Minneapolis/St Paul area that will rent to and ex felon? My friend wont be on probation at all when he gets out so they wont help him in finding housing, I am hoping I will own a home by the time he gets out but I wondered, for a back up, if anyone knows of any places that would rent to us even thogh he has a record.

2007-03-05 13:37:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

5 answers

I specifically ask if they have committed a felony. Whether I rent depends on what the felony was.

If they beat up their last landlord, they don't stand a chance. LOL

Actually, if they are sexual predators in any way, I won't rent to them. There is a liability involved here, especially if they rent close to a school.

Tell your friend to be honest. You will be amazed how much respect that will garner. Besides, your friend got into trouble by being dishonest. Don't start the same practice once he's out.

Good Luck

2007-03-05 14:50:32 · answer #1 · answered by A_Kansan 4 · 0 0


2016-07-19 16:43:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Are you a felon on the grounds which you murdered your ex-materials supervisor? if so, provide up analyzing now. To my understanding, there's no place that advertises that they lease to ex-felons. Seeing as how felons at the instant are not a secure type, they are in a position to be freely discriminated against. That being stated: I actual have rented to felons till now. Why? considering that they had a sturdy job and have been making sufficient money and did not have a great debt load and gave the effect of the could be a to blame tenant. They informed me approximately their previous and that i checked with the owner to verify if it replaced into ok. All i in my view care approximately are 2 issues. (a million) Will you pay the lease on time? (2) Are you going to shield the area? it somewhat is all maximum vendors care approximately, too. i think of once you're up front approximately it, you will discover people who would be worried and say 'no,' and there'll be people who will inspect the information and make a determination in line with information somewhat of emotion. sturdy success.

2016-10-17 09:00:53 · answer #3 · answered by millie 4 · 0 0

I have been in multiple states and I don't ever remember running across an apartment application that required knowing if you were a felon. Most of the time a landlord will run a credit check, but not a background check, unless the place is really expensive and nice. Your a great friend to allow him to stay with you if you have a house.

One suggestion is to help him out a little by going to some different place and getting applications and asking if they charge for a credit/background check. They'll never know it is for him.

2007-03-05 13:49:46 · answer #4 · answered by ♥ Mary ♥ 4 · 0 0

Looking for a apartment for my son he will be on probation felon and a p.o. officer checking on him to make sure a job or school how he living they will help him with rent I'm his mother looking for a place that want to meet and talk with landlord to make sure it is o.k. for the rule are in the program run. thank you. can get help mother love live out of town no one will help because of that.need to know with in days he get out April 10,2017

2017-03-15 21:55:06 · answer #5 · answered by Dawn 1 · 0 0

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