Well, I don't have an answer for you about the pain, but I think I learned a LOT from everybody else. I know I'm going to be a worry worm too when I get further along. I just wanted to tell you that I empathize with you and I know that you can feel that much more stress becuase you don't have a mother or a family member to talk to. Even though you're about to be a mom doesn't mean you don't need a mom. It's lonely, really, and hard to swallow at times. I don't have a mother or family either and I just want to give you a hug! (I'm not crazy, just emotional and pregnant lol) So I wish you the best of luck and strength becuase, like me, I know you don't get to have a mom to call and get comfort from like the other girls. Just be all you can be for your little joey (I like to call them that becuase we carry them around and I feel like a kangaroo) and enjoy!
2007-03-05 12:50:20
answer #1
answered by throughthebackyards 5
They're surprisingly strong, aren't they? Sometimes they'll kick an organ and it'll just take your breath away. It sounds like what you're feeling is normal. I know that occasionally my babies (I'm pregnant with #2) have kicked my cervix from the inside, and that hurts like heck. It feels like a very deep vaginal pain. I've also felt them scratching in there, but that was much later in pregnancy, once they're head down and engaged. I knew I had really been feeling her scratch when my daughter was born with her hand up by her chin. She still likes to put her hands up by her face at 18 months.
If it starts happening in a pattern (for example, if every 4 minutes you're having a pain like you describe), or if you have any vaginal bleeding, you need to call your doctor or get to the ER right away. Otherwise, though, it is probably just normal baby motion. I'll bet it's a boy. Probably going to be a football star. :)
If you need to talk to a woman who's been there, feel free to e-mail me. I'm at 35 weeks with #2, and I've done a LOT of reading and research about pregnancy and birth. I'd be happy to help. It's scary being alone, especially if you don't trust your doctor. Hang in there, Sweetie. Pregnancy and birth are very natural and normal experiences for a woman to have. Your body knows what it's doing. Trust it.
2007-03-05 12:39:40
answer #2
answered by Amy 3
I dont think your silly ! But it sounds to me like you just have active healthy little baby who is having a great time in there. And at 17 weeks your baby is still relatively small so he definitely has room to move around in there, so dont be alarmed if you feel him wiggling around alot.....its a good sign ! This may help you, it helped me.....go to www.babycenter.com and sign up, its free and they will send you an email every week which will keep you up to date with whats going on with your body and your baby....you'll love it, I promise ! And this site is very accurate, my daughter is 9 mth old and I still get the emails every week and I use this site to answer all my worries and concerns. Hope this helps !
2007-03-05 12:44:26
answer #3
answered by Mandy 3
Could you be further along than you think? The baby is too small to make that much of a impact. You may be experiencing round ligament pain which can be felt in different locations and can hurt like crazy! Have you had a ultrasound yet? It may be able to tell you more. Good luck!
2007-03-05 12:32:21
answer #4
answered by Erica J 3
well, I'm not a doctor and maybe missing smth., but to me it seems like the baby is active and kicking, which is very good. You can't even imagine what they do inside you, they can be very active. I saw once during ultrasound how the baby touches her head with her feet, imagine what the woman feels at that moment...But maybe if it's really very strong pain, try to check with the doctor one more time.
2007-03-05 12:36:28
answer #5
answered by miss 3
take a deep breath and calm down. your baby is still small enough to tumble about in your womb. and BOY are they little gymnasts! i didn't feel movement w/my first till i was 18 weeks, but my sister felt her son move around at 16 weeks...everyone is different, and every pregnancy is different for that matter.
sometimes the baby can kick as light as a butterfly and other times you swear they are trying to fight their way out! it can be uncomfortable. and yes they can get a toe or elbow up in your lungs, bladder or kidneys.
usually walking a bit or even rocking in a recliner or rocking chair can calm the baby down and help them go back to sleep if the movement is very uncomfortable for you.
this is normal hon. as your baby grows she/he will have less and less room to move and tumble about freely. though the kicks and punches will get stronger as baby gets bigger...they can no longer do double back flips into your lungs like before.
after awhile you get used to it...although it can still be uncomfortable...again rocking or walking tends to lull baby to sleep.
i think my youngest son was the most active. lol, he still is to this day 9 yrs later!
don't worry baby is fine. hang in there, and congrats on your first!
2007-03-05 12:36:08
answer #6
answered by ☆MWφM☆ 7
nothing wrong with your pregnancy it is really normal .you should see and come how my baby is moving around sometime it's scary.but after a while to you get use to it like if the baby doesn't move like before you will be getting worry .you going to have normal and safe pregnancy.have fun with kicking.
2007-03-05 12:49:36
answer #7
answered by sue 2
I feel sharp pains and I was told they are more than likely gas pains because everything else looked good. Sometimes I feel like I can't even walk because of them.
2007-03-05 13:07:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You seem early for this, but it sounds like contractions. Most likely Braxton Hicks ones. Not every woman feels them, and some feel them more than others. They are just "practice" contractions, nothing to worry about.
check out these websites. they were so helpful to me on my pregnancy.
2007-03-05 12:32:31
answer #9
answered by sushishishi 5
Really, there isn't anything wrong. From my point of view, it might just be your mind playing tricks on you because this is your first pregnancy. Just take it easy. You body will tell you when there is something wrong.
2007-03-05 12:31:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous