I am sixteen weeks pregnant, but measured between 19 & 20 weeks at my ob appt. today. My doc. scheduled my ultrasound for Friday. I know people say you can tell the sex of the baby at 20 weeks, but is that the soonest? Is there any chance we'll be able to tell this early?
10 answers
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Also, any possible reasons for measuring that far along? I know the date of conception, and know that I'm not "off on my dates..."
12:09:24 ·
update #1
Babies differentiate (show male or female parts) around 14 wks. I had an ultrasound at 15 wks with my son and we were clearly able to tell. With my daughter we had an u/s at 17 wks and were able to tell, but at the 13 wk u/s we couldn't tell.
Also, boys are easier to identify than girls for obvious reasons. With a girl, you're looking for 3 white lines, two long and a shorter one in between. Good luck!
2007-03-05 12:16:16
answer #1
answered by reflux mommy 3
Oh yes, they can tell sooner. My sister found out at 16 weeks she was having a girl, and so did most of my friends. Some ambitious OB even told my niece at 9 weeks she's having a girl (don't know how he figured it out, but it has something to do with the 'folds' of the baby's genital area) - as it turns out, the OB was right :). I'd say 16 weeks and on would be the most accurate time though.
Remember they can't always tell if it's a boy or girl, a lot depends on the position of the baby (legs open or closed, bum in the air, all that stuff) and the umbilical cord can get in the way too sometimes.
2007-03-05 12:17:17
answer #2
answered by elainevdb 6
Measuring big like that might be an indication of multiples. As for the gender, I do believe 20 weeks is the soonest. Congratulations of the baby and good luck to you!
2007-03-05 12:13:53
answer #3
answered by Evelyn's Mommy 5
a doctor would not permit you recognize, an ultrasound technician does. And It in simple terms so happens that i'm an ultrasound technician. we don't commit to something until after 18 weeks... we could take a wager around sixteen weeks in spite of the incontrovertible fact that that's in simple terms approximately eighty 5% precise at that time. something until now sixteen weeks isn't even precise sufficient to count extensive variety, fairly. All toddlers genitals look precisely the comparable until around 13 weeks... then they start taking up the gender particular good factors in spite of the incontrovertible fact that it takes some weeks until now the genitals are thoroughly finished forming... you will no longer get an exceptionally precise answer until after 18 weeks. that's in simple terms how that's. i've got in simple terms been incorrect at guessing the gender at sixteen weeks two times so for me, that's somewhat precise after that component, yet I dont' even make guesses until a minimum of then & I consistently tell the sufferers that it is not completely precise until 18 weeks. people who've found out the intercourse at or until now sixteen weeks have in simple terms so happend to get fortunate that their technician guessed properly, yet that would not substitute the actuality that that's frequently no longer precise that early on... there is often a 50/50 shot, so the opportunities of them being real are somewhat intense even that early.
2016-10-02 10:58:02
answer #4
answered by henshaw 4
You could tell now. My sister had her ultrasound a couple of weeks ago, at 15 wks, and you can definitly tell baby is a girl! With all 3 of my kids I have had an ultrasound at about 17 wks and been about to tell just fine.
2007-03-05 12:21:36
answer #5
answered by tessasmomy 5
Sometimes you can find out a little earlier than 20 weeks, as long as the baby cooperates and the genitals are fully formed
2007-03-05 12:12:39
answer #6
answered by Erika 7
I found out with my son when i was 18 weeks pregnant.. i know they can do a blood test or some kind of test to see also im not sure how far along though
2007-03-05 12:18:23
answer #7
answered by Hismomma 4
I found out at 13 weeks and 5 days.
At 12 weeks the fetuses genetalia is full formed. It becomes easier to tell week by week
2007-03-05 12:16:57
answer #8
answered by hollilynn 5
i have had two children and the earliest an ultrasoud was done is about 20 weeks so i'm not sure if the sex can be seen any earlier
2007-03-05 12:17:07
answer #9
answered by Tamika B 1
16 weeks, earliest. Ask them, I would say, they might tell you already.
2007-03-05 12:23:47
answer #10
answered by miss 3