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I have read more questions relating to tampons, pads, the "heavy or light flow" of everyone's period on here I am thinkin' Yahoo should just do a whole category on it so I don't have to read it anymore???? Bad enough to be bothered with that deal monthly......much less have to listen to the most intimate details of everyone elses.

2007-03-05 11:37:58 · 3 answers · asked by theartisttwin 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

I agree. Also, they should have a category just for people who ask, "Could I be pregnant?"

2007-03-05 11:50:46 · answer #1 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 1 0

They need a category called Female Plumbing to cover all of the human liquids and pregnancy. Don't they realize how stupid they look when they ask these questions??

2007-03-05 11:56:37 · answer #2 · answered by whrldpz 7 · 1 0

yap,a hundred% !! i take advantage of to love him, now i do no longer! i replaced into in simple terms slightly youngster back then. Now, i'm a teenager, and that i admire actual wrestling, i admire certainty now!! I used to think of making relaxing of alternative persons with the help of rapping approximately them, and incomes admire from the followers replaced into cool. Now I understand which you do no longer earn admire like that and Cena is stupid! do no longer you think of he's extremely turning out to be like JBL now? "ooo, i'm the champ, no you will beat me". you do no longer even understand the thank you to try against, there is extra proficient wrestlers than you Cena!

2016-10-02 10:54:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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