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Is fresh produce and meat available? My husband and I are trying to figure out where to move after his enlistment. We've been to Georgia, SC, and Missouri. We had a hard time finding pork that wasn't Hormel superchemically injected - actually we only found Hormel there! How expensive would you say food is in comparison? Homes? Land? Food was also more expensive in Missouri than in CT where we're from even though wages are lower in Missouri. Any help is well accepted, thanks!

2007-03-05 09:38:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

How much variety is there where you live? Can you find different kinds of meat and cuts of meat? How good (or bad) is the education system? Crime? Oh, and if anyone knows of a website where I can find statistics on some of this info then that would be jst as helpful!

2007-03-05 09:49:02 · update #1

13 answers

Come back to CT, get your food in Manhattan / Boston there is no fresher meat, produce, and seafood in the world.

Winsted, CT.

2007-03-05 09:43:17 · answer #1 · answered by rob c 3 · 1 0

I'm from New York. I live on Long Island. Property values here are high for the most part but so are employment. People here make more money so they can afford to live better as far as homes. Food here is not tremendously expensive. You can use coupons. There are farm stands once in a while over the summer. The education here is one of the best. Upstate New York is rural and beautiful, especially in the fall when the leaves change. There is open land. The city is densly populated and the apartments are really expensive. Try moving to an up and coming city like Atlanta, Cinncinati, Boston, etc. You can also live close to a city where you will probably earn more and live outside of the city and pay less for a home. Good luck. I hope I helped you.

2007-03-05 17:50:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We live in Washington state. It's absolutely beautiful on the west side. The east side looks like Utah. We live near the Puget Sound and are surrounded by forests and rivers, lakes and waterfalls and mountains, and cities. The good things are that farming is booming here, and you can find fresh fruit and veggies on stands throughout the region. Fishing is prosperous, and there are endless outdoor activities and public hiking or biking trails available. Not to mention countless wonderful parks and recreations for children. The bus system is amazing and there are lots of park and rides.
The bad things are that traffic is absolutely a nightmare. So unless you can take the backroads somwhere, commuting is tough. Also, housing is insanely expensive. For an average 3 bedroom home the cost could be anywhere from $400,000 to $700,000, which is why we can't afford to buy one and still rent an apartment. It is the states beauty that keeps us here though. Seattle is an amazingly beautiful and cultural city.

2007-03-05 17:45:55 · answer #3 · answered by mama 5 · 1 0

I am from Queens NY. An hour from the city, two hours to NJ and a hop skip and jump away from the best West Indian food inside the US.
In Richmond Hill (Queens) the house prices vary from 300,000 - 800,000 for a single or two family house. Not your most reasonable home prices as most of these house come with little or no land space but it's safe. Our most common criminal acts include petty robbery and the occassional vandalism. Usually from the younger generation acting out.
Rent prices are nuts as a one bedroom apartment can cost on average $1,000.00.
The food are priced a little on the high side as I've had a chance to compare from that of Upsate NY which is about 30% cheaper. We have a few live poultry spots where you can get fresh meat and poultry.
I think a definite con would be the high traffic volume as well as the large population. The major pros would be convenience... Transportation is readily available and easier than almost anywhere else. You can get almost anything from our shopping areas... (Jamaica Ave., Liberty Ave, Crossbay Blvd, Queens Blvd and our many malls). The schools are pretty safe (compared to other places) and we have culture. Definitely a place worth visiting... Richmond Hill, NY (Queens).

2007-03-05 17:52:37 · answer #4 · answered by xshardax 1 · 1 0

I am from New Jersey. I like it here because I have lived here my whole life so I am used to it. The pro about New Jersey is it is convinent, everything you need is in the area. Also another pro is the beaches here, they are beautiful. A con would be the people they can be nasty sometimes and very agressive drivers. It is a northern thing for some reason. Yes, fresh produce is available, there are a lot of farms in South Jersey more like in Salem County that has all of that. I can't say for sure how much it costs because I don't eat it much but it is not expensive.

2007-03-05 17:46:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I live in the San Francisco bay area. Everything here is totally expensive and the traffic sucks. I think the average house price in the city I live in is about $800,000. The flip side is that salaries are good. Some parts of the bay area have terrible terrible crime.

I don't know anything about getting fresh produce and meat cause I eat microwave dinners or go out to restaurants. We have lots of major grocery stores that appear to have fresh meat / veggies.

2007-03-05 17:43:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Colorado. I love it here. We have the mountains, great weather (if you like 4 seasons), and it is not over populated. Half of this state is prarie farm land, so we have great farmers markets and plenty of fresh meat and produce. Parts of the state can get a little pricey, but definitley not bad when compared to CA or NY. Traffic on the front range can be a hassle, but not bad when compared to the larger cities (LA, Chicago, NY). There are lots of outdoor activities available all year round, so if you like the outdoors this is a great state.

2007-03-05 17:50:54 · answer #7 · answered by go avs! 4 · 1 0

well... i'm not sure about meat (i'm a vegetarian) but i can tell you that in ky most consumer goods tend to be cheaper than in the north east. i've lived in ky my whole life... so speaking from experience i can tell you honestly that it is a beautiful state and the people here are nicer than any place i've ever been. there are few strangers here. one of the biggest cons (in my opinion) is the lack of technology. but then again it depends on where you live. in the smaller towns it's difficult to get certain services such as the internet and cable... yes i said cable.
also... if you're against the wal-mart corp. only look at northern ky or louisville. hope this helps!

2007-03-05 17:50:05 · answer #8 · answered by amanda a 1 · 1 0

I live in VA right outside of Washington DC...everything is expensive here...everything...but you can get anything you want concerning food and there is an amazing amount of things to do it. I have learned to really like it here. Prior to here, I live in Northern FL for 15 years, heck of a lot cheaper, nice beaches and good seafood and warm weather. Way before that I grew up in IA...great place to grow up, good pork, reasonable housing costs still to this day, but way too cold in the winter. I suppose one day I would like to return to FL, but I am really loving VA right now. Good luck finding your new home.

2007-03-05 17:50:20 · answer #9 · answered by snarf 5 · 1 0

Florida is great. Lots of outdoor things to do. BBQ all year round. Downside, it's expensive. Especially homeowners insurance and property taxes. Pork, you can get it anywhere. Lots of fresh produce all over the state. However, finding decent work is almost impossible.

2007-03-05 17:43:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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