well I'm not for or against anything but
1)Cheaper, why should we pay for their free dinners and housing etc (prison may seem like heaven to some people)
2) The worst thing you can take someone is their life. Even worse than their freedom. If a mugger stopped Bill Gates in the streets and asked Bill Gates for his money or his life Bill Gates would give ALL his money. Because once your life is gone you can never get it back. If you really wanted to kill someone would you rather risk a death penelty or a life sentance? (Which as I heard was 15 years-ish not your actual life in prison!)
Besides if someone killed someone very dear to you wouldn't you want them killed?
But then again there is other group of people who believe
1)Eye for an eye makes the world blind
2) You can never prove that the person actually murdered someone else even a voice recording and video and confession so you can take away an innocent life
3)IT is just morally wrong, we murder people to show murdering is wrong. It is an oxymoron (Someone that contracts another in a sentence kinda so like 'He entered the dark bright room'
A few other points
1)Romans used to kill their criminals to show that if your not useful in life you';ll be useful in death (the poorer population liked the goryness of their death)
2) It puts fear in to the public
2007-03-05 06:58:29
answer #1
answered by jackyboy1 3
because its a practice that has been in existance nearly as long as procreation, its not a matter of showing that killing is wrong now, its a way to supplant fear into a population.
It doesnt work in the USA because here we have to many regulations and conditions, that and not all states allow capital punishment. Most criminals disregard capital punishment because chances of landing on death row are fairly slim. However is some countries its a way of retaining control on the population.
A barbaric tradition that will probably continue throughout the duration of time, regardless of moral issues that arrise
2007-03-05 14:49:52
answer #2
answered by Xander R 3
Could be the old belief eye for an eye....but apparently they are christians so really.......good bloody question....or is it a good answer to ask a question....hmmmmmmmm
TO CATHY God was one one who smote people before Jesus came along in the new testament....He killed people for sinning and that is all people in certain parts of the world are doing....just obeing scripture as written by man.....
2007-03-05 14:37:03
answer #3
answered by Dstorter 2
i've just been reading peoples answers and the lack of compassion astounds me.
the reason i don't kill anybody is not because of fear of being punished. it is because i never want to. i assume that is the reason that most people don't. who am i to think i am morally superior to a serial killer? i have never had the urge to murder even one person so have had no inner conflict, no urges to struggle with. i can't imagine what goes on in their heads. they are ill, not evil. evil is fictional. and when someone is ill we should do our best to help them.murder is never right but i think its the worst when its committed as part of some bureaucratic process.
2007-03-05 15:25:15
answer #4
answered by spiralling 3
This is exactly the reason why I will not support the death penalty. It makes us no better people that the person who killed in the first place.
2007-03-05 14:37:11
answer #5
answered by Pickle 4
If you mean capital punishment then;
1) Its expensive to put murderers in prison for a long time and taxes could be spent on better things.
2) Instead of allowing murderers into the gene pool, remove them :)
2007-03-05 14:38:10
answer #6
answered by Jasmine B 2
I dont know about it showing that killing is wrong. As for the death penalty, well, if its really all about an eye for an eye, but the legitimate way. its very controversial, but i dont know if I would rather see a serial killer get the death penalty or suffer in prison until he dies.
2007-03-05 14:37:53
answer #7
answered by R.S. 4
Because someone with common sense would say, gee, if I kill someone I will have to pay for the crime with my life! Its a deterrent. All those who want to say statistics show different, just ask those who went to the chair for murder,oh, you can't because they're dead and can't kill anyone else.Get it??
2007-03-05 14:46:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It will make other people think twice before killing someone.
2007-03-05 14:45:22
answer #9
answered by doggybag300 6
Did you know that the actual commandment regarding this issue says: "Thou shalt not MURDER", not that Thou shalt not kill. The translation from Hebrew to English is murder, not kill. This ought to spice up the conversation.
2007-03-05 14:45:01
answer #10
answered by Monsieur Rick 7