Get to know your body. The best indicator for when you are most fertile is your cervical fluid. Usually after your period, your fluid will be dry, then change to (possibly) sticky, then creamy, then watery and finally it will have a consistency of egg whites. This is called EWCM for eggwhite cervical mucous. When you experience either watery or ewcm, then you are at your most fertile and will ovulate soon. You can also take your basal body temperature (bbt) each morning at the same time after a minimum of 3 hours sleep(set your clock, take it and write it down, even if you go back to sleep afterwards). Your temp will usually drop just before you ovulate and then immediately rise afterwards. After 3 days of a sustained temp rise, then you will know that you have ovulated. If you had sex during your ovulation time, and have no known fertility problems, you will have a good chance of becoming pregnant. You can also check your cervix position. This takes practice, but it is possible and once learned, helpful. Your cervix will feel low, firm (like the tip of your nose)and closed when not fertile. When it's Soft (feels like you lip), High, Open and Wet (SHOW) then you are fertile. There are tons of websites that can help you understand fertility signs better. Here's just a couple:
2007-03-05 06:32:17
answer #1
answered by lisa 2
If you have a regular cycle you can work out about when you ovulate. Don't have sex for a week before your ovulation date then when you are about to ovulate - go for it. This should increase the number of sperm at the time they are needed. Also, try not to get stressed and keep worrying about it - I know this is really hard as it tends to occupy your every waking moment. If you've been trying for 6 months to a year go see your GP. He can give you a tablet which can help (can't remember the name but I took it & got pregnant straight away).
2007-03-05 06:16:28
answer #2
answered by FC 4
hi, you could try popping a pillow under your lower back top of your bum and just lay there for a few minutes after the job has been done this will help the little swimmers on there way a little bit more also try not to go to the loo for about half an hour that will also help more of the little swimmers to get to there destination good luck
2007-03-05 06:18:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The only certain way I am aware of is buying a dress that you wont get into from the moment of conception to the 2nd birthday. This is a far more proven method than anything biological or scientific.
Best of luck, whatever your technique
2007-03-06 08:34:13
answer #4
answered by Eliot 3
Pick the right time of the month, while getting yourself and ya partner/hubby checked to make sure you are both fertile
Good diet
give up smoking if you do
lots of quality time
at the right time
buy yourself an ovulation kit
2007-03-05 06:15:24
answer #5
answered by Scatty 6
Buy an ovulation testing kit from you local pharmacy and use this which will indicate when you ovulate and you'll know when your best chances of concieiving will be. Good luck and happy baby making...
2007-03-05 20:46:14
answer #6
answered by jan h 2
firstly, stop trying so hard! I know its easier said than done but it never seems to happen when you try really hard. Secondly, track your cycle using; I tracked from the first period of the year and conceived the very next month! proof that it does work.
Good luck and I hope it happens soon!
2007-03-05 06:30:47
answer #7
answered by angelcakes 5
have plenty of regular, unprotected sex, give up drinking and smoking, eat healthily, take folic acid. stop worrying.
the average time taken is about a year. the drinking, smoking and healthy eating should also be practised by male partners so that they are in tip top condition to produce healthy sperm.
2007-03-05 06:15:39
answer #8
answered by louloubelle 4
confident, which would be an illustration of being pregnant and likewise an illustration your menstrual cycle is drawing close. I had sore breasts with my first being pregnant and the soreness lasted approximately 7 weeks. in spite of the incontrovertible fact that, the morning disease replaced into my first and maximum telling symptom that i replaced into pregnant.the suitable thank you to place your strategies comfy is to bypass get a house being pregnant try. solid luck.
2016-10-02 10:30:32
answer #9
answered by higgs 4
there is nothing that you can do to get pregnant for sure. you can take medications to help you concieve and if you wanted to you could have invitro fertilization but thats all. it would also help if you planned when you tried for a baby by tracking you period. i hope this helps.
2007-03-05 06:17:15
answer #10
answered by Lisa 1