There is an Asian film called Uzumaki. This movie was creepy. You might enjoy it, check it out. There is also another asian movie called Gozu. This is the strangest weirdest, creepiest movie I have ever seen.
2007-03-05 06:23:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
depends on what scares you...movies like HOSTEL and LIVE FEED are creepy because this is stuff that might just be plausable as something that might happen. Boogieman movies like HALLOWEEN, FRIDAY THE 13th, NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST. appeal to when we were kids and afraid of the monster hiding in the closet. Religious based horror gives us that "the devil will get you if you don't behave" vibe. So STIGMATA or THE RELIC. I have one nobody has thought of yet: THE ITEM. It's creepy and odd. If you want something that is not the usual horror monster, this one is for you. And if you want a movie that makes you root for the creature: JEEPERS CREEPERS. The two main characters are soooo stupid, you really want them to die all through the movie. SUSPIRIA and SPECTRE are good foreign films. THE CONVENT is fantastic (zombie nuns; but you have to have a catholic education backround to appreciate that one!) Also on the killer nun theme: NIGHT OF THE DEMONS 2. George Romero movies rock if you like zombies. As far as vampire movies; well, do you like modern vamps or ones with the classic flowing black cape. For modern vamps: THE BREED, FORSAKEN, MODERN VAMPIRES, RABID. Old school vamps: DRACULA (starring winnona rider and gary oldman), DRACULA (starring frank langella).
Be wary of anything that says "urban" on the back or front of the box at blockbuster. It most times is a buzz word meaning "cheaply made junk". And take the cover art as a sort of suggestion of the movie. Lots of times the box is the best part of a horror movie. And has NOTHING to do with the movie inside.
Now, if you want to read horror into a movie; rent the original WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY. That is one twisted piece of film. Ok, it looks like a kids movie. It is sort of...but watch it carefully. It is sick and scary and warped as heck.
Asian horror: THE TALE OF THE TWO SISTERS is pretty good. The original GRUDGE, RINGU ---Both better than the US versions.
If real people scare you most, just pick up any of the movies about the real serial killers, Bundy, Gacy, Dahmer, Gein. Real people are really scary.
Go really old school and look for the old chainsaw masacre movies, the original, part 2, part 3, etc. They are old. the fx isn't fantastic, but they are story driven instead of relying on gore. Also the orginial HILLS HAVE EYES.
Got enough to start looking? If not, let me know....I know about a bunch of good horror, bad horror, silly horror, and sick horror.
--my source? eons of watching stuff that warps the mind sweetly.
2007-03-05 08:54:24
answer #2
answered by the witch 4
The scariest movie I have ever seen is Texas Chainsaw Massacre at 11:00 at night. I am 12 and I lik scary movies
2007-03-05 05:57:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you liked the Saw movies then "High Tension" is a must It came out long before Saw.Its a foriegn film but its done in English.I have been in the video store industry for almost 30 years and that movie really freaked me out
2007-03-05 07:24:38
answer #4
answered by sybil 2
The scariest movie I have ever seen is by far The Exorcist (the first one). If you believe in God and the Devil, and believe that possessions are possible, this is the scariest movie of all time. I've only seen it once and it was years ago but it still scares me to this day. I've not watched it since and probably will never watch it again because it scared me so bad.
2007-03-05 05:52:47
answer #5
answered by RannaC 1
The Tingler starring Boris Karloff.
2007-03-05 05:57:48
answer #6
answered by bugs280 5
There wasn't any scary movies that scared me. I guess the scariest movie that i have seen but wasn't a horror was the house of 1000 corpes. That movie freaked me out.
2007-03-05 05:52:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
when I was like 5 my parents let me watch a movie called the Triangle on tv and if I watch it now its not as scary as it was..but when I first saw it I had night mares for like scared the hell out of me and it is a ghost movie
2007-03-05 10:18:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
there is a very scary movie that never had national attention. its very well written and acted, and its based on a true story. for me, i cant watch it alone, and i am 27 years old. if you never heard of it look it up, its called fire in the sky. great movie
2007-03-05 06:21:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, "The Exorcist" is the most scary one. Years past ı still can't forget. Don't buy The Hills have eyes it is just gross thats all.Not scary at all.
Try Creep. Haunted house is eeewww!! Saw1, Saw2, Saw3 recommended....
:) These are enough to make you have freaky moments... Hahahaaa
2007-03-05 05:52:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous