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The man's credit card number led authorites to him when he bought the images. In Arizona, where the man lives, the automatic sentence is 10 years for each image to be served consecutively.

If there were no people like this person to buy the images, there would be no market for people who were going to produce them and subject the children to the kind of abuse that goes along with it.

Still, is this a bit much or do you think its fair?

2007-03-05 05:42:50 · 6 answers · asked by Chris D 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

6 answers

kiddy-porn is a despicable crime, worthy of life imprisonment. this, i believe is just because this person does not belong back in society where he could possibly harm children. this way, the threat of his deviant behavior is over.

2007-03-05 06:19:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This isn't really about a crime that he "MAY" commit. He possessed child porn which is punishable by law ,and we as adults no that it isn't right to posses such vulgar material. He already committed the crime, so he should be punished. On that note: Life in Prison in my opinion is a bit harsh. He didn't hurt or kill anyone, so should his life be taken away? We are given standards to follow as a society to meet the norms and expectations as "Americans", so if people just followed the rules then these discussions wouldn't really be a concern. Another way to look at this question would be the statistical aspect. On average, how many pedophiles eventually turn into molesters? Or how many child molesters view child porn? Finding those numbers could be a direct reflection on the amount of years one serves in prison for possessing child porn. One may accidentally download the material trying to access adult porn which is perfectly legal and our legislatures probably take this info into consideration when making the laws. In this case the man purchased a package deal on purpose and it wasn't an accident!

2007-03-07 13:30:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Society has a right to protect itself but within boundaries of reason. Ten years per image on what grounds other than the image itself? If a KKK member has pictures of a lynching that is found should he be given a life sentence for each image because we are afraid of what he MAY do? If I catch you looking at a Playboy magazine should I put you away for ten years for every image because you MAY rape someone? You stole a cookie out of the jar when your mom wasn't looking,she should have cut off your hand because you MAY have thought of a life of crime. Child porn is SICK and the penalty should be harsh but not a life sentence because of crimes you MAY commit. Wasn't that a Tom Cruise movie?

2007-03-05 15:26:02 · answer #3 · answered by Cpt Kirk 3 · 0 0

Fair. He may have been a secret child molester too. Working in that school. Scary to think about.

2007-03-05 14:08:27 · answer #4 · answered by missgigglebunny 7 · 0 0

i think its fair, because what is he doing with child porn anyway?? children are helpless and people are just taking advantage of them . he deserves to die in prison.

2007-03-05 14:20:19 · answer #5 · answered by snotface 1 · 0 0

He defiantly got what he deserved.

2007-03-05 14:11:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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