Apparently he said he would do it for nothing as he hadnt ever asked for a fee. A BBC spokesman also said he might not even be aware he gets paid for it as the money goes straight to his agent. !!!!
2007-03-05 05:48:02
answer #1
answered by norma d 4
I love the way he's now saying that he would gladly do it for free! Yeah, well said Terry, you've only been accepting payment since you were first presenting it in the early eighties! I wonder why he didn't insist on doing it for free much earlier if he'd be so glad to?
I can't believe he's been payed for all these years. My opinion of him has really gone down. All the times he's spent telling us just how much difference even a little kid's £1 pocket money makes whilst he's getting paid thousands. I think he should be ashamed.
2007-03-05 05:44:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Urm this is a tricky one because he is already a millionaire and telling us lot to hand over our hard earned cash. He gets paid that amount for 7 hours work, and yet Johnathon Ross gets £200,000 for an hours work. Wogan is good at getting punters to phone in, he does what he's paid for in that sense - who else do you think could do the job as well as him? The orchestra on Children in Need also get paid, which is fair enough isn't it? I mean they have to earn money don't they. So you have to put things into perspective and think of the good job he does, because after all it is his job and he does deliver. By the way, I wouldn't phone a TV program so I am not bothered either way.
2007-03-05 06:30:37
answer #3
answered by georgeygirl 5
This too altered my opinion..
Here he is banging on at the 'normal' citizen about donating money etc etc.
The BBC have stated that they pay him not Children In Need - If he'd gladly do it for nothing then do it for nothing OR even better why doesn't he (And the other stars etc) say to BBC that they will charge the BBC say 10,000 pounds each to appear and then DONATE it all to Children In Need...
Like Mr Wogan needs that money!!! NOT!!!
2007-03-05 06:45:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Think about it, you have people employed by all leading charities whose job it is is to raise funds, these are usually very able people that merit an appropriate salary - should they be expected to work for nothing? In comparison, good as they may be, a charity worker earning £9065 for two years work is unlikely to raise over £23m. I would also imagine that there are sides to this story of which we are unaware, such as what would his normal fee be for such a long time in front of the camera.
2007-03-05 09:33:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
What you have to remember is that he gives substantially to charities all over the place. If the BBC pay him its simply more to give to Charity. What he gives to charity annually substantially outweighs what he recieves and then some.
He has also said that he would happily work for free, but the Beeb has never asked him too!
I say let him have the fee and let charity benefit from it, which is how he lives anyway.
2007-03-05 05:51:22
answer #6
answered by Wantstohelpu 3
Dam disgrace. Just shows exactlly how greed some of these celebs are. He should be made to give the money back to charity, when he has the cheek to ask us for money when he is lining his own pocket.
2007-03-05 09:38:23
answer #7
answered by janeybest 2
I don't really know what happened....but i would think if he is getting a fee, it is probably because he had to turn down an offer of presenting something else on that night......
But really it is disgusting....also if you look into it The cameramen, lighting people....actually nearly everyone involved behind camera get paid that night!!!! Absolutely crazy....or is it?
2007-03-05 05:49:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
He donates much more than that to Children In Need each year.
He just doesn't bang on about it.
He receives a yearly salary from the BBC, mainly for his radio show.
The salary covers his other presenting jobs as well.
2007-03-05 05:45:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I thought it SUCKED! he was the only person who took a payment and he's been presenting it for how many years? he must have quite a tidy sum from his 'charity' work now!
2007-03-05 05:42:52
answer #10
answered by Andromeda Newton™ 7