u probably should unless she is treating it like a last hurrah with her own friends.
2007-03-05 05:36:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Did she invite you to her wedding? She probably is having her wedding shower and bachelorette party with just close friends and family. Even though you have been with your boyfriend for two years it does not make you part of the family until you are married to him. Just accept not being invited gracefully. Hopefully she will invite you to her wedding. A nice suggestion would be to send her a wedding shower gift.
2007-03-05 13:44:38
answer #2
answered by pictureshygirl 7
You should be invited? Because you met her once a year ago? Who's wedding is this, hers or yours? Hers? Oh. Then I guess she can invite whoever she wants, right? RIGHT!!!! :p
Look, I know that it's never fun to not be included in a party, but get over it. NO ONE except the bride and groom (and possibly their parents ) HAVE to be invited to a wedding, shower or party associated with a wedding. They can't invite everyone, and for whatever reason, she decided not to invite you. It's not like it's your boyfriend's brother or something. It's just his cousin. Who cares? Besides, now you don't have to get a bunch of gifts. Win/win!
Get over it, be gracious about it, and show a little class of your own. When it's your turn to plan your wedding, you'll understand that there are lots of people who will think you own them something, when you really don't. And then, you'll feel silly about making a fuss about this.
2007-03-05 13:43:08
answer #3
answered by Vix 4
I agree with her.
Deciding who to invite was a real sore spot with me when I married. My mother wanted to invite anyone who had ever looked in my general direction; I wanted to invite those people who were dear to me and a positive influence in my life. Unless you have established a real relationship with her, other than being a cousin's girlfriend, please be gracious and leave it alone. Also, continue to be gracious after the wedding is over. If you want to get to know her better, then make the effort. If not, be an adult, refrain from whining or complaining, and let it go.
Frankly, the majority of people I DIDN'T want to invite were family members, namely because I have better relationships with friends than I do with most of my family. There were several who had fits when I talked about eloping, then didn't have the courtesy to reply and say they weren't coming.
2007-03-05 13:46:43
answer #4
answered by Le_Roche 6
I know that a bachelorette party can sometimes be just really close friends going out so, maybe that is why you aren't invited to that, but the wedding shower is completely different. You are part of the family and she should recognize that.
2007-03-05 13:36:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Have you hung out any since that "first date"? If you haven't, then I don't think it's rude for her not to invite you. Your boyfriend is taking you to the wedding, right? Be happy with that.
2007-03-05 13:38:17
answer #6
answered by princess526_2001 4
Maybe she doesn't feel like your an actual friend to her. Just because you are "part" of the family doesn't mean she thinks of you like that. Just allow her to have her parties without you. Jus make sure you invite her to your parties. Kindness is the best way to deal with rudeness.
2007-03-05 13:42:47
answer #7
answered by ERICKSMAMA 5
Wedding showers and bachelorette parties are for verry verry close friends, it's now rude at all for her not to invited you if you don't fit into that category!!!
2007-03-05 14:04:40
answer #8
answered by marti 2
Wrong! Those are "her" days and she should be inviting the "women" which she wants to invite. If you stop complaining you may be able to go to the wedding. Just make sure you are not complaining about her to other family members.
2007-03-05 14:38:26
answer #9
answered by ruthdiana2000 2
I don’t really know why she wouldn’t invite you, I would. I guess it all depends on her… if she’s not honoring as a part of the family yet! Or maybe... she has something against you... who knows? Maybe you should ask your boyfriend and have him ask the cousin.... !!!
Make sure you don't invite her to your wedding either!!! LOL j/k
2007-03-05 13:41:57
answer #10
answered by L!LO 4
Her wedding, her decision. You are "just" the girlfriend, not the wife. What happens if you two break up? Do you think she wants pictures from her wedding that have an ex-girlfriend in them?
2007-03-05 13:38:13
answer #11
answered by Kari R 5