OMG!! his middle name is LEROY!! sounds uneducated to me!! He must be a hick!
*not so secretly laughing at all the Barack HUSSEIN Obama posters*
2007-03-05 05:34:52
answer #1
answered by pip 7
Sway_26's answer rocks.
The victim mentality has been very obvious in New Orleans, i.e., don't expect me to do anything to make things right or protect myself...let Big Daddy government do it. Look at the difference between New Orleans and Mississippi. Nothing is getting done in NO (except where a VERY few residents are taking matters into their own hands and just doing it), yet Mississippi is cleaning up and moving forward. It's the difference between the victim mentality and the can-do attitude that made America great to begin with.
2007-03-05 05:42:09
answer #2
answered by kathy_is_a_nurse 7
So enable me see if i'm getting this right now. Amtrak presented to take human beings out of damage's way and the mayor stated no? Why the hell won't be able to absolutely everyone see that the mayor is an finished fool? no longer in reality that, in the journey that that they had the threat to leave and did not, yet ended up lifeless i'm meant to exhibit compassion? what type of medication are you taking, besides? yet i wager easily everyone looks a sufferer at the moment. How unhappy.
2016-12-05 06:48:50
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I'd like to correct a misconception many (Sway_26 for example) have about the evacuation of N.O. for Katrina. These people did NOT have 3 days to evacuate. If you go back and do some research, Katrina was supposed to curve back northeastwards and hit the Florida Panhandle, then, the forecast was changed to hit Alabama and Mississippi. Finally, the forecast was changed to hit N.O./Miss. The people in N.O. actually had about 36 hours to evacuate. They evacuated over a million people out of N.O. in just 24 hours. I know, I saw much of this firsthand. Our small town was swamped with people evacuating from N.O. Our supermarket ran out of food; our gas stations ran out of gas. I saw families - white, black, Asian, Hispanic - stranded on the highways because there was no gas or hotel rooms. After wards, many of those people who evacuated west got hit by Rita 3 weeks later. I lived thru the whole thing and am highly aware of the real facts - not just what is reported in the media.
2007-03-05 05:44:32
answer #4
answered by Gemini 5
Not at all. A rape victim doesn't do things to risk being raped, and it's the government's function to protect us from violence committed by others, including rape. People who build their homes 12 feet below sea level and don't buy flood insurance assume the risk that their homes will be destroyed in a flood. And it is not the government's function to protect us from the weather.
2007-03-05 05:45:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The "victims" of Katrina were, for the most part, victims of their own local government, and their unwillingness to stand up and help themselves. Of course, there were exceptions, but the majority could have moved out before the flooding became an issue.
2007-03-05 05:38:39
answer #6
answered by Amer-I-Can 4
He feels that the victims are at fault for voting for the officials in office that made the mess. That would be the Democrats at the local level and the Republicans at the federal level.
2007-03-05 05:34:18
answer #7
answered by redunicorn 7
Why didn't the Democrats build the flood gates on Lake Ponchatrain when they had the chance? After all the Corps of Engineers had recommeneded it, Congress had budgeted it, LBJ approved the Budget, and then environmentalists killed the whole thing.
And YOU want to blame Newt for something he said? Why not blame the Democrats for what they didn't do?
2007-03-05 05:40:42
answer #8
answered by namsaev 6
No rape victims are victims of crime. Victims of Katrina are victims of a natural disaster
2007-03-05 05:34:22
answer #9
answered by 6
Completely different, rape victims dont usually get a three day advanced notice that a rape will occur.
2007-03-05 05:36:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Got a problem with the name Leroy?
2007-03-05 05:34:06
answer #11
answered by amazin'g 7