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I'm debating on whether or not to attend an online college or a campus college. See, me and my current boyfriend are planning on moving in together in the middle of June, and I need to start college soon. The thing is, I'm going to college to be a photographer, and there aren't many online colleges that offer the programs I need to become a photographer. But, most of the campus colleges that I've found are in other states, and we want to stay here in Little Rock, AR! I don't know what to do. I'd thought about UCA (Conway, AR) as a campus college, but I don't know. I'm kind of sick of sitting in a school; I've been doing it for over 12 years now, including Pre-K and Kindergarten!

2007-03-05 05:28:27 · 8 answers · asked by yourfaceisanugget 1 in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

8 answers

I can't speak for an arts degree as mine are either technical or business related. I have attended both on-line courses and campus classes and have to say that I got so much more out of the campus classes that there is no comparison. Just the amount of information that you pick up from other students, not to mention the energy to continue, is worth the blah days. I think that on-line courses have come about because it is a cheap way for schools to make a bundle and a way for people to get a degree. Many company's will not accept a degree from an on-line school anymore because of the lack of knowledge and performance of the students. This is in no way putting down anybody it's just that I don't think the two are comparable and neither to some employers.

2007-03-05 05:39:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've taken an online class before and it wasn't pretty. It's so hard to stay organized and you can't ask for oneonone help and it just gets stupid. You'll get real sick of not talking to any other students 2, and just sitting at home. If your doing something hands on like photography then you should go to a campus and really get the college experience. Everyone says its one of the best times of your life so why don't you try it and then if it doesn't work out or something comes up you can try online classes?

Good LUCK!!!!!!!!!!! : )

2007-03-05 05:38:30 · answer #2 · answered by nickelback726 4 · 3 0

You can always get another boyfriend, but cant really relive the campus college experience (especially being an art student) when youre older. Go to a campus college, for a visual art, you really want to be there and collaborate too. Plus the connections you'll make, and I would think for photography , social networking is important and showing your work.

2007-03-05 05:39:12 · answer #3 · answered by lillilou 7 · 3 0

College campus, hands down anyday. If you are looking to become a photographer check out you local community college. Most community colleges have excellent trade classes. In addition to their trade programs alot of them offer online courses as well, this way you can get a mixture of both.

2007-03-05 05:39:04 · answer #4 · answered by backbonebreaker13 2 · 3 0

Like it was said before, on campus is better. It is an overall better learning and teaching experience for you in your career choice. Online classes is boring. Some people choose it b/c they can stay home. But you don't social with computer (literally I mean), you socialize with people. And the best time is hanging out with friends and being able to talk to other humans and not an electronic box.

2007-03-05 05:58:01 · answer #5 · answered by JaM 3 · 2 0


That story gives you a good idea why many people don't consider an online degree to be legit, even from the "big name" online schools.

Go to a regular campus since you don't have some huge pressing need to do online. If you hate school before, you'd never be motivated enough to even finish online. That's easier to put off than regular campus.

2007-03-05 12:19:30 · answer #6 · answered by Linkin 7 · 2 0

From photography and DSLR camera basics right through to advanced techniques used by the professionals, this course will quickly and easily get your photography skills focused! Go here https://tr.im/oWmAv
By the end of this course you will have developed an instinctive skill-for-life that will enable you to capture truly stunning photos that not only amaze your friends and family... but could also open the doors to a brand new career.

2016-02-14 01:28:40 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Dont do an online college. Most are not recognized by employers and frowned upon because they are for profit.
See if the local college has distance learning classes if you want online classes.

2007-03-05 05:36:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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