NP = normal price
NP - 0.18(NP) = 12.71
NP(1 - 0.18) = NP(0.82) = 12.71
NP = 12.71/(0.82) = 15.50
Hope that helps ;)
2007-03-05 05:21:00
answer #1
answered by MamaMia © 7
MamaMia's right.
If it's 18% off, that means 82% of the normal price is 12.71.
Write as fractions: 82/100 x Normal Price= 12.71
Rearrange: Normal Price = 12.71 x 100/82
so Normal Price = 15.50
(your first guess was nearly right, the 72 should be 82, that's all :)
2007-03-05 05:29:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
When I was taking algebra in college I learned a real novel way of remembering the percentage formula and figuring out a percentage word problem. It goes like this:
is %
-- = ----
of 100
The problem would read something like this: $12.71 is 18% less than the original price.
In this instance we have 2 unknowns the (%) and the (of). We solve the problem in 3 steps.
1. subtract 18 from 100: 100 - 18 = 82
2. multiply (is) by 100: 100 * 12.71 = 1271
3 divide 1271 by 100: 1271/100 = 26.48 rounded to the nearest penny.
So we now have all the parts known
21.71 82
------- = -----
26.48 100
The trick with the percentages formula as I have learned it is a technique I call cross-multiplying and dividing strait across.
Cross-multiplying is similar to cross canceling with fractions only you are multiplying instead of canceling. Basically you take the known number and multiply by the number diagonally across from the known number, then divide the result by the number that is strait across from the known number. This yeilds the unknown number. hope this helps.
2007-03-05 06:37:10
answer #3
answered by ikeman32 6
Mandy paid 82% of the normal price so to find out the original normal price divide the price Mandy paid (12.71) by 82 then multiply by 100.
12.71/82 = .155x100 = 15.50
Hope this helps.
2007-03-05 05:31:13
answer #4
answered by Dark Prince 4
The normal price of the hat is £12.71 X 1.18
2007-03-05 05:22:18
answer #5
answered by BARROWMAN 6
Normal price = 100%
$ 12â71 = 100% - 18%
$ 12â71 = 82% (Now get 1%).
$ 12â71/ 82 = 82/ 82%
$ 0â155 = 1% (Now get 100%).
$ 0â155 * 100 = 1% * 100
$ 15â50 = 100%
2007-03-05 05:26:57
answer #6
answered by Brenmore 5
let normal price be P
then P - 0.18P = 12.71
0.82P = 12.71
P = 12.71/0.82
P = 15.5
2007-03-05 05:25:40
answer #7
answered by ganesan 2
devide by 82 and multiply by 100 simple
2007-03-05 05:23:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
its 12.71/82x100 = 15.50
2007-03-05 05:23:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous