as above, can someone advise me if it's cheaper to go directly fr taiwan to hong kong? or as someone told me, fly to shenzhen den take a train to hong kong? unfortunately they din noe the airline.... >.< thx alot..
6 answers
asked by
➔ Asia Pacific
➔ Taiwan
hi, i'm not goin to shenzhen directly, wat my fren said was take a flight to shenzhen but transiting in macau, den take a train to hong kong. they said it's cheaper than a direct flight to hong kong. thx
04:15:13 ·
update #1
You cant go to the PRC directly, only via HK or Macau.
For Fares to HK you can check these Travel Agencies:
2007-03-05 04:02:40
answer #1
answered by Ajeet M 5
Your friend is crazy if they said to take a train from Macau to Hong Kong. It would take forever.
From Taiwan to Hong Kong you have two choices. You can either fly to Macau or you can fly directly to Hong Kong. (You CAN'T fly from Taiwan to Shenzhen). Flights to Macau are usually cheaper than flights to Hong Kong (strange since it is a smaller airport and farther away). From Macau you would need to take a taxi to the ferry terminal and take the ferry to Hong Kong. It's only a couple hours if that.
Although the flight to Macau is cheaper, after the the taxi and ferry and extra time are factored in, it's not really THAT big of a save. Anyway try EVA airlines or China Airlines.
2007-03-07 00:21:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Your best bet is to fly directly to Hong Kong. You might save a tiny bit going the roundabout way, but it will also be a test in patience and stress levels. If you fly direct, it'll be very fast and convenient. The shuttles from the airport are also really good.
I have flown MANY times from Taiwan to Hong Kong and found it very quick. My friend is always trying to find cheaper ways, and always either spends more money or loses something during the trip. One time, the security in Shenzhen held him for 14 hours just because he was carrying a couple of packs of American cigarettes.
2007-03-05 17:14:38
answer #3
answered by A dad & a teacher 5
The techniques of tipping in Hong Kong and Taiwan are very comparable to that interior the U. S., maximum folk interior the service industries like waiters, hairdressers, bell boys, taxi drivers... anticipate slightly extra. They anticipate on standard a minimum of 10%. maximum huge eating places immediately upload 10% service cost on the verify so whenever you get one, verify heavily until now you compromise on how plenty to tip. In small eating places the place you pay on the money sign in, almost no purchasers tip in any respect. do no longer positioned money on the table as guidance in those places.
2016-10-02 10:19:33
answer #4
answered by catanzaro 4
I also advise spending the minor extra cash to go direct to HK. Its not much extra to pay for several hours of travel time and discomfort shaved off. In my experience of trying to save money by going the 'long way' it always ends up being an extra headache.
dig yourself up a travel agent in the town you live in by scanning ads in the local edition of 'Taiwanfun' magazine for whatever town you are in- Taiwanfun for taipei and north, 'Compass' for taichung, and taiwansouth for kaosiung and southern taiwan.
--in Taichung I hear that 'whose' travel service is good from second hand accounts by other foreigners. I have used 'elizabeth travel' in the past with mixed results. She knows the deal for visa runs in and out, but may not be so good for actual holiday vacations.
then click on your city and click on 'directory' and look for travel agency listings in there.
2007-03-05 22:42:00
answer #5
answered by matt_of_asia 6
you pay just a bit more ,but better go direct HK. Thai Air is cheap then many Airlines ,like china airlines,,, cathay pacific or others...
2007-03-07 00:02:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous