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Okay so if you go for a doctor visit/checkup? Would he do the ultrasound right there, OR would he set up another appointment to do the ultrasound? And im 16 weeks (4months) can he tell me if its a girl or boy already? Will I even get an ultrasound at 16 wks? Its my first visit, I only found out acouple weeks back so I dont know anything?! HELP!

2007-03-05 02:45:28 · 6 answers · asked by curious789 2 in Health Women's Health

Oh yea I live in Florida..So its not illegal to find out the sex.

2007-03-05 02:57:47 · update #1

6 answers

abdominal ultrasound can be done in the doctor's clinic right away if needed. it is not a painful procedure. the baby at three
month old is too small for it to determine the sex. i suggest 6 months will be okay.

2007-03-05 02:51:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I live in florida too. :) Usually, for determining the sex it is best to do it between 18-26 weeks. After 26 weeks the baby is too big and it's just a little harder to tell during ultrasounds. I mean they'd still be able to tell but the position of the baby its harder to get a good one because the baby is so cramped. I had mine done when I was about 20 weeks and they said it is a girl. At around the same time in my last pregnancy I found out it was a boy. :) I heard that so ametimes they will do it at 16 weeks but from my experience they tend to wait till you are closer to 20. My friend had one done by her doctor at 16 weeks but he didn't tell her anything and scheduled her for the "official" ultrasound for a week later. He just took a peak.

Don't worry you'll find out soon enough. At this visit just ask, hey when can I get an ultrasound to determine sex? or just call and ask. I called my birth center and just made an appointment for an ultrasound. :)

2007-03-05 10:49:33 · answer #2 · answered by michellekyle12 2 · 0 0

Well, to answer your first question: Your doctor may perform an ultrasound in the office IF he has the proper equipment. Otherwise, he may send you to an imaging center to have your test done. The best time to evaluate your baby's anatomy (as well as determine gender) is between 18-21 weeks. The ultrasound exam can be very helpful in evaluating your baby's health and growth if it is done by a professional during the appropriate gestational age of the baby. Congratulations and best of luck.
p.s. Remember, ultrasound is NEVER 100% for determining gender (boy or girl).

2007-03-07 03:34:45 · answer #3 · answered by bloojeanbaby 2 · 0 0

If the doctor feels it is needed, and has the facility (all don't have), he/she will do it or arrange to get it done. Ultrasound is a painless, non-invasive and side-effect free test and so there is no reason to worry. Sex determination of the baby inside by any means is an offence in India and many other countries. If it is not illegal, your doctor will tell you at the right time so that you can plan the right clothes, name etc.

2007-03-05 02:54:02 · answer #4 · answered by Swamy 7 · 0 0

Some docs have the equipment in the office and some docs don't. Where I live they make a separate appointment for you to come to the hospital to get an ultrasound. They do ultrasounds more routinely now but when I was pregnant they didn't do ultrasounds unless you were having problems that they wanted to check on.

2007-03-05 02:50:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You can tell sex at approx 20 weeks, most Dr's will do in office or Order from the Hosp. Radiology department a full Anatomy scan around then, be advised though if you live in an urban areas, some ultrasound techs and OB's will not even guess at the sex for fear of being sued, Good luck to you and your little one!

2007-03-05 02:55:27 · answer #6 · answered by Katelpn 2 · 0 0

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