To find the Least Common Multiple of two or more whole numbers, follow this procedure:
Make a list of multiples for each whole number.
Continue your list until at least two multiples are common to all lists.
Identify the common multiples.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) is the smallest of these common multiples.
Multiples of 8: 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64,72,80
Multiples of 14: 14,28,52,56,70,
Multiples of m^2: m^2, m^4, m^6, m^8...
Multiples of m^4: m^4, m^8,...
LCM: 56 m^4
HTH ;)
2007-03-05 01:43:28
answer #1
answered by MamaMia © 7
first find the smallest number that 8 and 14 will divide into evenly. That would be 56. Then look at the variables and see if there is any common. In this case the m is common to bothe numbers. For the least common multiple use the common variables and the largest exponent.
56m^4 would be the LCM
2007-03-05 09:55:00
answer #2
answered by Ray 5
14m^4 * 8 is the lcm= 112m^4..
it is the lowest common multiple between the two...cheers...
2007-03-05 09:50:25
answer #3
answered by sich 1