Conservative or not....are you happy?
Do you see yourself living like this forever?
Do you see him changing or continuing to bring you down for the rest of your life.
If you think he can change and are willing to try and make it work....go for it....however if you see your marriage being unhealthy for your and your daughter....Think Twice
Best wishes
2007-03-04 19:32:45
answer #1
answered by travelingirl005 5
Is your fear of leaving him because of the reaction from your conservative family? Are they aware of the state your marriage is in and how unhappy you are? Have you thought about talking this through with them and finding a solution together? You need to evaluate this very quickly, if not for your sake, then at least for your daughter's sake. She may only be 4 years old, but children are very perceptive, and if you are unhappy, then so is she. Don't walk out in anger though, as you'll only end up going back to him because you won't have planned your future. Relate are very good at helping people with realtionship problems, their website is You can go alone if you want to, you don't have to take your husband along with you. You have to ask yourself if you love him enough to want to try and save your marriage - & more importantly, does he love you? Whatever you decide, you need to stress to your family that it is your decision, and they have no right to judge you - they should be supporting you. For you and your husband the most important part of this is your daughter - don't let the anger between yourselves affect her. She only has 1 mum and dad remember, and she shouldn't feel torn between the 2 of you. So no matter how mad you are with each other, do not talk about him in a negative way to her. There's only you who can make the decision on staying with him - although if he's cheated and lied to you more than once, then I would question his loyalty and commitment to you - and also, how would you ever trust him again? I wish you so much luck with this, as it's not going to be easy for you. However, stay focused and think of yours and your daughters future and you will come out of this a much stronger and happier person.
2007-03-04 19:59:08
answer #2
answered by Pink girl 2
Hiya, Don't put up with it, leave him i suspected my husband of having an affair many years ago, but he was always one step ahead of me and i never really found out. BUT years later i suspected again, not at the beginning of his affair but only after a few months into it, i tried and tried to catch him out but because of him being in the TA he always had the perfect alibi. Even when i found hotel bills he still denied it i even knew that his affair had finished and then started back up, and then he slipped up he left a receipt in his pocket, and it was an entirely different place to where he said he had been. I'd Got Him.......... I actually got him on a bluff, i told him he had been seen with another woman in this shopping centre. He left us 4 years ago and we havent seen him since. We are so happy because we are not living under any strain, (my children both knew what was going on, they are adults) so leave him now while you are still young, live your life to the full, i do now i have never had anyone else, but thats my choice. Good Luck to you and your daughter.
2007-03-04 20:01:32
answer #3
answered by kevina p 7
Personally if your hubby is lieing and cheating i would be out the door. If you aren't getting anything constructive from this relationship then end it. You need to have some self respect and not let him treat you like that. What exa,mple are you setting for your children if they knew what he is doing to you. As for your family, they don't have to live with him you do. If you aren't happy leave the situation before it sucks the life and fun out of you. You deserve to be happy and so do your children. Your family will get over it, you need to do what is right for you. Best of luck.
2007-03-04 19:35:12
answer #4
answered by jimmy_chick78 4
all men lie? it is much easier to do so .i have been married for 38 yrs. my wife is hard working. but i still lie to her.but i have never cheated on her. but she has cheated on me.the first time she did it was ; after we where married for a year. she has done it on a number of times since.if i could turn the clock back.i should have left her then.and the strange thing is; my wife hates lye-rs. yet its okay to sleep around ; for her.lying and cheating are bad very bad. do what i could not do all those years ago.get on your bike.all the very best.
2007-03-04 20:32:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The first lie--or the first sign of cheating, would have been my cue to go. If you are fed up with this situation, then do something about it--don't put up with it anymore, just go.
2007-03-04 20:41:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Get a lawyer and get 'er done! You don't have to live like that and you don't need to raise your daughter to think that's how most men behave. We do not. You deserve better, as does your daughter.
2007-03-04 19:33:44
answer #7
answered by AK 6
it appears not only family is conservative but enviorment is also not favouring women
i belong to pakistan i volunteer to give you counseling for which u may need to join me on yahoo messenger
we will have to discuss a lot of things to sort it out
2007-03-04 19:37:33
answer #8
answered by Caring 3
Then u should leave him. u don't have to stay there and put up with him cheating on u. you can find someone better and will respect and love you
2007-03-05 13:23:33
answer #9
answered by kishaspot 1
then dont waste your life staying with him, leopards dont change their spots, your daughter needs a stable life with a happy mum, go forward alone with your daughter and make a new life for you both
2007-03-04 21:23:43
answer #10
answered by chakra girl 7