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1933 Hitler gains power- 2001 Bush gains Power
Hitler attacks hiw own country (reightag) BUSH Attacks his own country (9/11)
Germans dont believe Hitler attacked his own country....Americans Dont believe Bush attacked his own country

Hitler Passed Laws Idiencial to the U.S.A. Patriot Acts.

Hitler Invaded Poland.

Bush invaded Iraq, Afganistan, and Will Invade Iran.

Hitlers Appoval rating was at 30%, Bushes Approval Rating is at 30%

Both Hide behind the christian faith, Neither are christians, they hide behind the faith to steal trust. like preists did to molest children.

Hitler Killed 6 Million Jews.

Bush, WILL....According to Patriot Acts 1 &2 and the Military Commisions Act of 2006. Terrorists can be deatained and KILLED without a trail

The governments Definiation of a terrorist is Christians, Gun Owners, Liberals.

We are moving into the TRIBULATION

The point is, Supporting Bush, is the same as Supprting HITLER.

2007-03-04 18:41:01 · 14 answers · asked by Historian 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

14 answers

you're wrong. thats all there is to it. you're WRONG.

i'm not republican, and i of course dont believe in everything that he believes in, but i could NEVER say that "supporting bush is the same as supporting hitler".
why the hell would bush want to kill so many people? do you know how bad that makes him look--that there was a terrorist attack that he couldnt stop during his presidency? why would he do that to himself, to all the families that were affected by it? he wouldnt. he just wouldnt. and even if im wrong and he'd somehow miraculously managed it, SOMEONE woudl've found out.
its america.

2007-03-04 19:08:12 · answer #1 · answered by mhm 2 · 2 0

yes ,they are pretty much the same ,but different origins remember that bush had it all since little and hitler didn't, plus there has been a very bad name for him ,but he wasn't that much different than bush , he was just a patriot and for some people it was jews who started all remember who got the benefits. Now my friend the only difference here is that of the times the 40's is not the same as the new millenium it's 60 years ago from us , rules ,treatys had been created since to stop this kind of authoritarianism and thank god for this imagine us without it , if even with it bush defied koffi anan,threw a tantrum and attacked irak and now they put a south korean in charge of UN so that he can be handle easily ,and will act according to what mr bush thinks it;s right , so imagine bush in the 40 yeap!@! pretty much the same

2016-03-29 00:36:27 · answer #2 · answered by Marilyn 3 · 0 0

Hitler huh? You are obviously a Christian to believe in the tribulation, do you understand that Ahminahjed is trying to do in Iran? He wants the 12th Imam to come back and save his people, which is why he is causing the chaos in the middle east.

The muslim savior (12th Imam) is the same person as the Christians antichrist. If you are a Christian, then you also realize that the rapture comes before the trbiulation.

So instead of comparing Bush to Hitler, if you truly believe this shouldn't you be preaching the gospel right now instead of preaching hate towards the President?

Do you support a free Iran? According to their president, Hitler never killed 6 million jews, because he says it never happened. Bush is the one confused?

2007-03-04 18:52:53 · answer #3 · answered by Dr. of Situational Psychology 3 · 0 0

I was surprised at the fact that when Mr.Bush stated that the U.S was going to war with Iraq that so many people jumped on the 'war bandwagon' without questioning it's merit. There is nothing wrong with supporting the president but it should always be qualified with the question, " Is what he is saying true?"
Seemed like people believe everything he and his administration has said. If you don't believe everything he says, you are considered unpatriotic. Some people had their names smeared because they had the audacity to disagree with Mr.Pres.' policies.

2007-03-04 19:11:48 · answer #4 · answered by LORD BALTIMORE 3 · 0 0

Wow it's like you could forward this as an email. Oh ,hang on this is an email people pass along. Well ,following the left blindly can be just as dangerous. BTW I'm a Socialist.

2007-03-04 18:54:32 · answer #5 · answered by daboss 4 · 0 0

Because they're stupid sheep. Bush has blown the threat of terrorism a million times out of proportion, and used people's fears to manipulate them into supporting them. I own lots of guns and I'm happy to know that when the U.S. Gestapo come knocking on my door, I'll take a lot of them with me to hell, unlike the European Jews, who were unarmed.

2007-03-04 18:49:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

not facts....just someone that has to much time on their hands....9/11 ...Bush....give me a break....Hiding like preists did to molest children....ha...I cant believe someone would even compare the President to something so low...oh wait...did you support Clinton...and having affairs is okay...and lying about it and costing the Americans millions, just because he couldnt tell the truth?

Hitler would have been okay....if he didnt get greedy and go overboard...the killings were his down fall....we all say he went crazy....reading about hislife is truly interesting...too bad he got greedy or went crazy....

just my thoughts....
How lucky we are to be free and have our own opinions...

2007-03-04 18:49:57 · answer #7 · answered by travelingirl005 5 · 2 1

People support BUSH because they are not very smart. If you want to find out how smart someone is, ask them their opinion on BUSH. The more they like him, the dumber the person.

2007-03-04 18:46:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i can't even lie, i wish i would give you best answer for your own question. who knows why people support Bush. maybe it's because he has family history in the white house, but his father was just as worse as he was. i commend you for putting that up. it was very informative.

2007-03-04 18:49:58 · answer #9 · answered by MISTER 2 · 0 0

Your logic astounds me. You really need to re-work your analyses. Comparing Hitler to Bush? I didn't vote for the man, but you are way off base with your logic (or lack of).

2007-03-04 18:46:50 · answer #10 · answered by gone 6 · 2 1

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