I recently heard that Carlos Mencia was a Joke Thief, however can you steal jokes?, are they copyrighted? The claims are that some comedians are saying that he has stolen their "Jokes" or "Material" for years, if if that is so true, how come these guys don't have their own shows or made it that far if their jokes were so good and funny. I think the answer is simple. Jelousy. I think some of these guys are hurt because they never had the same success as Mencia has done for the las couple of years, and it must have hurt them the most because I've never seen a comedian have two superbowl commercials before.. I think that's what has triggered all this non sense. Also, some comedians acuse Mecia of being a racist, well it happens that one of the guys making one of the claims turns out to be a comedian who call himself "The Amazing Racist" check him out sometime and you'll see what I'l talking about.
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