Any time you see a movie that is "based on true facts" or "based on a real event", IT ISN'T TRUE!
2007-03-04 13:49:54
answer #1
answered by DrB 7
The DaVinci code is based on the book of the same name by Dan Brown. The story has no real factual basis. It is simply for entertainment. Some of the ideas in the book are gnostic ideas that have been around for quite a while, but there is no proof for any of them and the traditional account of Jesus from the Bible is still the most reliable.
2007-03-04 17:01:31
answer #2
answered by DHux 2
Well, the movie is based on the book. The book, and I would know because I took a course about the Grail, is fiction. There are no real accounts of the grail being a woman, specifically Mary Magdalene. I think it gives you an idea and allows you to imagine the possibilities. But it is not fact. At least not yet...
2007-03-04 13:50:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Much of it is based on fact. There are books written which explain what's fact, what's not in the davinci code.
The big underlying truth of Davinci Code is that the history of the christian church is not at all what you think it is.
2007-03-04 18:39:07
answer #4
answered by cassandra 6
It is based on a novel, the author actually came out and said, "its fiction" but he waited for all the controversy to come (means more book sales) the guy did do a decent job mixing history with make believe, only i never really read the book. I just saw the movie. it was not any good, basically like national treasure with a cotholic twist...
2007-03-04 16:45:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Movie was based on the Book by same title. Being raised Catholic I think the Movie was steeped in a lot of just plain old speculation. Noone is ever really going to know the truth. You are left to believe what you want...
2007-03-04 13:53:57
answer #6
answered by Terry R 4
its a famous book.
and its based on fiction.
some guy had a crazzy idea
think about it this way
a few years ago National Treasure told of a treasure the Templer Knights found and then was hidden because it was worth so much and too much to be found and held.
According to history, the templer knights were searching for the Holy Grail..
Here's the coincidence
I dont reemember if the movie mentions this,.
but in the book,
it was the templer knights who found the virgin mary, originaly in Jerusalem, (same place they searched for the holy grail) and found Mary Magdelen.
In both cases they hid the treasure-body from the world.
and in both cases became a search for.. the holy grail.
2007-03-04 13:50:45
answer #7
answered by clomtancy 5
It's based on the fact that a person in the picture of the last supper looks kinda like a girl.
2007-03-04 14:18:14
answer #8
answered by africa 2
The movie is based on the book. The book is pure fiction with enough quasi-historical fact to get you thinking maybe it could have happened. Anyone who takes it seriously is seriously nuts.
2007-03-04 13:49:19
answer #9
answered by jhartmann21 4
Based on a book by Dan Brown. It is fiction.
2007-03-04 13:49:58
answer #10
answered by Crushstation 2