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I mean really, Ann Coulter is known for making outrageous statements to get a rise out of people but the loopy leftys are really on a crusade here. They are furious about what she said concerning John Edwards. Yet they completely ignore what their darling Bill Mahar did on Larry King, outing Ken Mehlman. Is that act not just as dispicable, or is it OK when it's done to a Republican? It was so bad that even CNN (Communist News Network) had to take it down from their site.

To be truthful, she could have called Edwards an empty suit, which he is. She could have called him a Capitalist pretending to be a man of the people (from his 25,000 square foot home with indoor squash court) which he is. Heck she could have called him the most dispicable name in the book; AMBULANCE-CHASING-LAWYER, which he is, and gotten away with it. But she called him a bundle of sticks. Mahar on the other hand, has always seemed to be brain damaged but he outed a public figure and should be criticised as much.

2007-03-04 11:47:56 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Oooh, excuse me for misspelling the name. I'm so ashamed.

2007-03-04 11:54:06 · update #1

19 answers

Intelligent folks were and are outraged by both of these jerks. Says something if Coulter's comments seem appropriate to you. Something stinks in the GOP and if you put Coulter up in front of a GOP audience again, which I think you won't, you will lose. Romney is gonna take a hit for her 'humor', as well he should.

2007-03-04 11:59:44 · answer #1 · answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7 · 3 2

What's so bad about outing a gay person like Mehlman? That's actually helping Mehlman & I'm sure all his GOP friends are very pleased that their leader has finally come out of the closet. But calling someone a ****** (even though I think she dead on right about he comment about Edwards) you can't say something as hateful as that on national TV. Coulter says what she says because she needs the ratings for herself. If she doesn't say totally outrageous things she would fade away & wouldn't sell any of her books.

2007-03-04 12:01:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well,I'm a Liberal and I despise Bill Maher.

It's not his or anyone else's business what Ken Mehlman's sexual orientation might or not be.

His remarks about Dick Cheney were flat wrong.I don't like Mr.Cheney in the slightest,but to wish for his death is wrong.

But Ann Coulter is a nasty harpy who should of shut the hell up years ago.

She lies,she distorts,and she hates.She has called for the deaths of liberals,has advocated nuclear war,and on and on.

Maybe she and Maher can go away somewhere together.They seem to be extraordinarily friendly whenever they're around one another.

2007-03-04 12:08:59 · answer #3 · answered by Zapatta McFrench 5 · 1 0

::psst:: Bill isnt a Dem, hes not even a full blown liberal! Hes a Minarchist Libertarian. As a matter of fact i think a lot of Republicans would agree with many of his economic beliefs. Hes also a COMEDIAN, specializing in political satire. ITS HIS JOB TO PISS PEOPLE OFF. He does a pretty good job at it too.

Ann Coulter would also be good at political satire...if she wasn't being dead serious.

Thats the difference: Bill is doing his job, Ann is a hateful bigot. I would also like to note that Ann has repeatedly identified herself with Libertarian beliefs (and was a member of the Liberty Party for a good chunk of her life)...meaning that Bill and her are cut from the same side off the political nexium....totally debasing your entire argument.

If you like Ann and want to defend her you should think through your position and defense a bit better. A comparison to Micheal Moore would have worked much better.

~a Libertarian


2007-03-04 12:20:10 · answer #4 · answered by Bingo 2 · 3 0

This is the same old defend my team, attack the other team mentality that politics have devolved into. People all too often ignore what people on the same side of the aisle say but if there is even a slight gaffe on the other side its search and destroy.

BTW I think what Ann Coulter said was inexcusable. I think much less of her now and that's something that will never change. She crossed a line that she shouldn't have. On the same instance I also think that Bill Maher is a slime ball and should be ignored.

2007-03-04 11:56:22 · answer #5 · answered by The Man from Nowhere 3 · 3 1

Here's the difference. Bill Maher spoke independently on a talk show-not at a mainstream political event. Coulter spoke at the popular Republican Action Committe meeting. Bill Maher is not a candidate or even necessarily Democrat.

2007-03-04 11:56:07 · answer #6 · answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6 · 4 0

Why are you defending someone for being a bigot? I am so tired of this pointing the finger at the other side b.s. when someone says something stupid. Everyone should be outraged by people who make bigoted comments. So we should give her a pass because Bill Maher made a comment about Ken Mehlman being gay?

2007-03-04 12:00:56 · answer #7 · answered by mrlebowski99 6 · 3 0

Don't forget Hollywood and the Media are always right, so that makes Mahar right. I hope Hillary doesn't get elected, the Dems going to start putting Republican voters in jail. They can dish it but can't take it.


2007-03-04 15:28:58 · answer #8 · answered by George 3 · 0 0

Liberals want everyone to accept them. Coulter does not and insteads puts up a bold front. And that makes Liberals angry.

However, Mahar is their poster guy! So they like him. It helps them that they have supreme control over the media.

But its the same way we Conservatives feel about that Rosie O! We dislike her.

If Bush quotes the Bible verses, the Libs will go ape. If Obama quotes it, its ok! Sheeesh!

2007-03-04 12:23:49 · answer #9 · answered by Jack 3 · 0 2

"bundle of sticks," lol

Is Jon Edwards really gay?
oooooooooooo let's Gossip!

I think Anne Coulter also said Bill Clinton was gay on CNN.
She's got issues. But if Bill Maher said the same thing about a republican congressman, on conjecture of his behavior, then that's pretty stupid. If he said it because it's true, then that's pretty stupid, but if he said it to make a larger point-- namely "This republican is a hypocrite because..." then I don't see how your analogy really works.

2007-03-04 11:57:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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