I once accompanied my wife to her school reunion. She was busy chatting to people she hadn't seen in 21 years, so I wandered off to mingle.
Armed with a little knowledge of her schooldays gleaned from my wife on the journey down, I spent an hour pretending to be an old pupil myself. About six people claimed to remember me!
2007-03-04 10:05:18
answer #1
answered by Bob Danvers-Walker 4
Well you may be pleased to know, that I was caned on two
seperate occasions, for different misdemeanors.12 of the best
on each hand.That was my just desserts,for straying off the
straight and narrow, if I was to meet the teachers that sent me
for my punishment today. I would immediately shake them by
the hand and say thank's you made me the better person that I
am today.I would bring this to your attention I was at school in
the 60's when men were men and women were glad of it,not the
snivelling twats the males are nowadays.
2007-03-04 10:25:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I used my high school years to wreak my revenge on my teachers. Fortunately I had way more good ones than bad, but grade 12 was my year of reckoning. Every time my sleazoid French teacher behaved badly, I reported him. I also stuck up for myself and others. He was unmitigated slime. He used his position to sexually intimidate young women (he was fired 4 years after I graduated for inappropriate behavoiur towards a student).
As I mentioned, I had way more good (some great) teachers than bad. When I go to my reunion, it will be to say thank you... and to ask for their good advice, as I am now a teacher!
2007-03-04 10:21:29
answer #3
answered by Mikisew 6
I could think of some teachers I'd like to take revenge on, but really I'd love a reunion to see who's still living and what they're like now.
2007-03-04 10:08:14
answer #4
answered by Jeanette 7
2007-03-04 12:27:07
answer #5
answered by Joanne H 2
i would wanna show up at my school reunion glamorous, successful and rich - 'success is the best form of revenge'
2007-03-04 12:43:12
answer #6
answered by Faith 5
teachers usually don't go to class reunions
2007-03-04 10:08:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, by the time I see them again, even if I hated them when I had them, I would probably respects them on the contrary.
2007-03-04 10:05:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Most of my teachers would be dead now, so I guess I've already got my revenge!!!
2007-03-04 21:24:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Fortunately my high school years were great. I would use a reunion to say thanks for my former teachers.
2007-03-04 10:04:16
answer #10
answered by ra63 6