Is it fair to deny me the opportunity to get the most bang for my buck?
Corporations receive tax breaks to go overseas yet the US gov is holding my money hostage.
Your thoughts please.
17 answers
asked by
Chi Guy
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
I am speaking about prescription drugs by the way (have to be careful of what you say in this room)
09:07:46 ·
update #1
I am speaking about prescription drugs by the way (have to be careful of what you say in this room)
09:07:51 ·
update #2
nicolas (below) You are aware that the Canadian drugs come from the same companies as ours are you not? Therefore your "patent" arguement doesn't make sense, unless I'm missing something.
09:19:21 ·
update #3
steph (below)- good point. thanx for chiming in
09:21:04 ·
update #4
you can buy drugs from Canada.
2007-03-04 09:08:38
answer #1
answered by TD1HOGY2K 1
I am Canadian, and am both for and against exporting of resorption drugs to the USA. To start off the reason why drugs are less expensive in Canada because unlike US Patents which can last upwards of 20-years Canadian Pharmaceutical patents expire after 7. At That point generic drugs can be manufactured. They are just as safe and still adhere to the highest standards of quality and purity. They are still made by the same giant pharm companies you are all familiar with. (my generic Ventolin priced at $14.00 is made my Glaxo Smith Kline). However such drugs do not lead the the massive profits, for companies.
I am for this because affordable heath care and prescriptions souled be withing the spectrum of everybody, and it is beneficial to contain business.
Against because pram companies in Canada cannot handle the instant increase in business, thus leaving Canada with crippling drug shortages.
2007-03-08 12:05:20
answer #2
answered by smedrik 7
I think the official reason is there is no way to control th quality of drugs if bought in Canada.
Me personally, I say go for it. Any opportunity to make your money go farther is good in my opinion. Glancing at your 360 I didn't see where you lived but I am assuming you live in Chicago, Illinois by your nick name. You are pretty close to Canada to take advantage of that. Trust me, it isn't viable for me in Tennessee to run all the way to Canada for cheaper drugs, the cost of travel would eat up any savings so the drug companies will still get money from my area as well as most o the US, not everyone in Chicago will want to go to Canada either so the lose to the drug companies will not be that significant.
People go to other countries for treatment, I have no problem with you buying prescription drugs. You are making opportunity of a geographical advantage which in turn can raise your standard of life here, and that is a good thing in my opinion.
2007-03-04 17:47:58
answer #3
answered by JFra472449 6
It is easy to understand once you appreciate the lobby of the pharmaceutical companies in Washington. They lobby the government to block the import of their medicines back into the United States, at substantial savings, because it cuts into their bottom line. In Canada, the government sets limits on the amount these same companies can charge Canadians for their products. In the United States, though, costs are prohibitive to those without health care insurance, considering pharmaceutical companies have practically free reign when it comes to the prices they can charge for their non-generic drugs.
Would you be willing to give up on a market you can so easily exploit?
2007-03-04 17:22:21
answer #4
answered by Jackson Leslie 5
Interesting that Free Trade, capitalism is good except-well, when the US corporations don't make money! Barring free trade used to be far from a republican thing, but somehow it's okay. Funny, i watched an older Chris Rock movie in which he is a political candidate. He says "we have cheap crack, cheap heroin, yet the price of prescription drugs are out of reach! That ain't right!"
2007-03-04 17:17:40
answer #5
answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6
Because the pharmaceutical cartel wont allow it of course.
The medicine in Canada is the same exact medicine sold in America. It is made by the same companies.The only difference is the Canadian government regulates the price of prescription medication in Canada and America refuses to do this.
Anyone who thinks prescription meds from Canada are not safe is delusional and needs to stop drinking the Kool Aid.
2007-03-04 17:13:25
answer #6
answered by Perplexed 7
Ya. If the drug companies are charging an arm and a leg for the same thing in Canada, why isn't it just good capitalism for me to buy it there?
2007-03-04 17:17:20
answer #7
answered by Mother 6
Americans should be able to purchase their medications from any source they want. On this issue, we seem to agree. Taking it a step further, I think many illegal drugs should be legalized and then taxed accordingly. Instead of SPENDING billions trying to keep people from doing drugs, why not MAKE billions on taxing them instead? Put drug cartels out of business and cut the crime in this country by 50%?
2007-03-04 17:09:07
answer #8
answered by ? 4
Because if you would buy from a Canadian company, an American company might not get the profit. And, as we all know, American drug companies, and American Oil companies really need the money.
2007-03-04 17:15:49
answer #9
answered by johN p. aka-Hey you. 7
You are talking about PRESCRIPTION medications, not a can of coffee.
Would you also like to order some opium from columbia and a nuclear weapon from north korea without the government interfering?
If you want meds from canada, go to canada and see a doctor and buy them there, then bring them back.
judging by some of your answers, I guess you all think we should be able to buy bootleg softwareand counterfeit clothing from china.
Prescription medications are patented for a number of years. After that, generics are allowed. Those generics are monitored by the FDA for quality and safety reasons. Ones from mexico and canada are not.
2007-03-04 17:10:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
well that is a confusing question and i don't know the answer for that but at least i got 2 points!
2007-03-04 20:20:36
answer #11
answered by ♥Jolly Rancher♥ 2