No kidding. Milk is, dare I say, yummy. : )
2007-03-04 08:03:53
answer #1
answered by Chistiaŋ 7
Yes!!!! With a sandwich or something sweet. When I was little we had milk for dinner every night. Now that I am older I realize it is not "cool" to go out for dinner in a nice restaurant and order milk, but I wish I could! When we went on our first cruise after a splendid meal they had wonderful desserts, oh how I longed to have a glass of milk. On the last night after ordering the most delectable cake I saw a lady in a evening gown with a slice of cake and a glass of milk! I told our waiter to bring me a glass and before we left the dining room I counted 18 other people with dress attire and drinking milk.
2007-03-04 08:10:57
answer #2
answered by Mrs. T 4
When I started school i was given milk money so I could get a carton of milk with my lunch. The first week every milk I got was sour but I drank it because I paid for it. I've been turned off of white milk ever since.
2007-03-04 08:09:31
answer #3
answered by Crash 7
Lactose intolerant, maybe? I dont drink regular milk because it comes from cows that are doped up on hormones. Their udders grow big enough to scrape the ground, and get infected. Their pus is in that milk... poor cows, and poor us for drinking pus!
So I drink organic. And I love it. It pretty much tastes the same, but none of that weird after-taste.
2007-03-04 08:02:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I love milk, but I think the reason some people don't like it is because of the texture.
2007-03-04 08:04:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I love milk! Any time of the day. I always drink out of the bottle when no-one is looking, I even got caught at work once.
2007-03-04 08:06:42
answer #6
answered by Mrs. Shrek 5
I drink 1 gallon per week. Love milk.
2007-03-04 08:03:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Some people are lactose intolerant, but I just don't like milk because it barely has flavor. Chocolate milk is where it's at. :)
2007-03-04 08:05:33
answer #8
answered by definitivamente06 4
Some people are lactose intolerant. But I'm with ya milk is good :)
2007-03-04 08:04:28
answer #9
answered by ♥QT♥ 5
Milk is a national security threat second only to bears. Show some morality. There are children on this site!!!
2007-03-04 08:04:24
answer #10
answered by your attorney 7.0 4
Milk is good....mmmmmmmkay. I must be weird, but I especially like it with pasta dishes.
2007-03-04 08:03:22
answer #11
answered by drysac 4