it's like a bragging right. you can afford the latest gadgets and clothes. you can be just like celebrities in hollywood. u can be cool.
another interpretation i just thought of:
it can be the american dream applied to teenagers today. being rich makes them satisfied. obviously, they may not work in gruesome conditions, but it makes them feel successful. that's what sucess is defined as by the media. they see celebrities sporting the latest fashions, they see all these rich people with these houses and gorgeous buildings, they see paris hilton living a great asz life and they want a part of that. if they're rich, they can start to act like those rich celebrities b/c they have the money to back them up.
neways, there are lots of interpretatons
2007-03-04 12:05:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am just playing it is becuase the media is constantly saying "rich is good" I am a teenager and my goal is just to help people and others as long as I make enough money to live I am happy!
2007-03-04 08:11:33
answer #2
answered by Assad 3
i dont think its that bad. its probably the working class who want to be rich cos they arnt used 2 havin that much money n some just want to be WAGs so they wont have to work bt thats just the arrogant ppl! some dont even want 2 become rich cos u dont appreciate half the things u have if your rich and can just go werever you want and buy everythin bt poorer ppl av 2 save up and wen they get somethin they reli want they reli appreciate it!
2007-03-04 07:56:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
What else should be the goal in a capitalist society?
Proof that the U.S. was not founded on true Christian values!
2007-03-04 08:08:28
answer #4
answered by arch0050 2
There is nothing like financial security.
Many have seem their families suffer financially and do not want to end up in the same boat.
I only want two things out of life: My health and financial security. Everything else will fall into place..
2007-03-04 07:55:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
what other goal should we have cost of living is going up like every year
2007-03-04 08:09:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'd rather be smart than be rich. Schools try to educate them, put their parents give in to the "I must own everything" attitude, which destroys their minds.
2007-03-04 08:19:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We did this to them......we have them, farm them out to day care so we can 2 bmw's instead of one....take them to the gap..or whatever the most expensive store is now where we allow them to spend (of our money) more on a shirt than our entire wardrobes were for a year then we have to go to work to be sure we can pay for the day care, their cars, their is no wonder they are like this....maybe if a parent, either one, would dedicate themselves to maintaining the family, instead of just the family INCOME we would all be better off.....these guys are going to be running this country when I am old....this scares the shi* out of me......
2007-03-04 08:08:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because society throws all the " YOU GOTTA HAVE or YOU CANT LIVE WITHOUT THIS " stuff at you while you are growing up and you have to have lots of money to own those things...
2007-03-04 07:53:27
answer #9
answered by Dixie 6
Because that's what is being shoved down their throats via media and tv, etc. If we were feeding their minds a little more, they would know how to spell!
2007-03-04 07:52:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous