I was reading all of the words of support for the troops in Iraq, of which I will be one as of the 23rd of this month (March). Thank you all for your kind words and concerns, and I know that there are many of them. I fight for the liberty and freedom we all enjoy on a day in day out basis, AND I follow orders without question either positive or negative. After all it is war and there is not very many positive things in any war. The best of everything to you all, and thank you once again.
2007-03-04 14:00:55
answer #1
answered by jimmyd 4
Certainly. The anywhere they are deployed need these things. However, it seems the question has a very narrow scope when it phrase supporting the troops is being used.
Two quick observations...
1. You left out supporting them once they return home.
Those troops in need of medical support have been betrayed by multiple presidents and their defense secretaries. It just seems to have been an unspoken truth that the veterans administration and in services hospitals have the worst records for treating military patients known to man.
Donald Rumsfeld should be locked up for his mistakes dealing with our injured military personnel. Can you say Agent Orange? The chemical companies had documented proof the ill effects of Dioxin yet it took nearly twenty years for the US government to come clean.
What about Desert Storm Syndrome? Six to eight years later and the government finally admits there was a link between service in Iraq and illness. Is that supporting our troups?
How about the depleted Uranium all over the place from the A1 tanks and the A10 tank killers? The very people we should be supporting are being exposed the radiation. I wonder what our governments support of "the troops" will be when our soldiers come home and develop cancers that can be traced to radiation exposure (it's all in their heads I guess will be the response).
2. What about supporting them by doing our duty as citizens and question the actions of our government?
To blindly support a war (in this specific case in Iraq) on the misguided premise of it being a part of the war on terror is senseless. The very troops being injured killed and being injuring and killing are being put in this situation for the wrong reason. They should not have to fight and die just to prevent members of the executive branch being proven completely wrong on Iraq.
The peace nic’s seem to have hit the nail on the head. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam had nothing to 9-11 and that Bush and his team had no idea what they were talking about.
Oh yes I support the troops, they are just following orders, orders that make absolutely no sense when it comes to the mess currently underway in Iraq.
2007-03-04 07:36:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely. I wish I could support them in person, but I'm 30% disabled and they won't take me.
All I can do is rant on the internet.
Our service members are in a good climate, not at all like during the Vietnam war. Politicians are tripping over themselves trying to find ways of funding, educating and caring for "the troops".
It's really funny to me; I just got out in 2005. I just laugh at these idiots. Look what's happening at the Army's Walter Reed Hospital. If the American people only knew what the ENTIRE state of military buildings was like. They beat each other up over so-called injustices to our wounded service members, not realizing the full story (that veteran benefits are being given away like candy).
Just let them. Our troops deserve to live in the lap of luxury in trade for their sacrifices, and as long as the numbskulls in Washington are all trying to "one-up" each other, they just might be in about 10 years.
2007-03-04 07:02:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I fully support our troops. If they serve the required tour or two or three, then they should be allowed to come home, permanently.
No more of this recalled time and time again. The wars gone on for just under 4 years now! Let's wrap this baby up!
2007-03-04 07:04:42
answer #4
answered by J G 4
Yes, I support them 100% and when I see a person in a military uniform, I thank them for their service because after all, what would the United States of America be without the hard work and sacrafice done by the Men and Women of the American Armed Forces.
2007-03-04 09:12:29
answer #5
answered by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7
We should always support out troops with what ever is needed to complete a task that our government has set fourth for them to do. It's our government that we shouldn't support, they should not be allowed to put our military in harms way or use them for political gain in the pro or con war issue.
Americans remember we were the ones attacked if we just sit back and do nothing that gives our enemies the go ahead to do more harm to us. Diplomacy is not working in the Mid East and we will not have a choice in the near future, do you want them to have nukes?
2007-03-04 07:18:00
answer #6
answered by Johnny 5
Absolutely 100% yes. So explain to me how you can claim support the troops but vote against additional funding to support the job they're doing?
2007-03-04 07:01:59
answer #7
answered by ? 4
2007-03-04 06:58:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm for supporting them with all they need , which they never had anything but death. But I want them home let the Iraq fight their own fight, that is all it is one Iraq fighting the other Iraq party. If they want stop fighting just get all our troops home and let them fight to see which one wins. Their never going to take complete control as long as our troops fights for them and die for them. Those Iraq soldiers don't ever show for duty just once in awhile. Get out troops home that is what 67% Americana's want and we need to get them out of that hell hole.
2007-03-04 07:06:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yes i support the troops. We are in an illegal war and i say bring them home....
im not affiliated to any party....i just don't believe the war in iraq is justified.
2007-03-04 07:12:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous