I don't think people understand!!! When they want to increase the life of many people, they turn to government!!!! The worst mistake one can make! You have to force humans into competitive markets. Politics are too easily corrupted and if you notice, the people who plead for more social government intervention are the same people who have never picked up a book on economics!!! The quality of government help is autorocious and at the same time the competitive free market has been known to build the best efficiencies ever created! The private sector builds and the government pulls down! I am not saying that people like Hillary are evil, I am just saying they are brainwashed into thinking that the government will be the end all solution to the worlds problems!!! This is not and never will be viable! Instead of people preaching government intervention they should be educating the children to be self responsible, helping them understand economic freedom, and also leading by example! If people stopped and researched the goods and bads of over subsidization, we would have no economic liberals! You cannot overpay for goods and services and expect more technological and medicinal advances! Socialism doesn't work and every nation that goes through this process has paid more dearly than those who have not! America is not on free market healthcare anymore! This is one of the reasons why 35% of people can't afford insurance! It's not that there is too little government, but that there is too much government already! This double headed snake has to be tackled at the root! The addition of branches just makes it strong reducing the hope and strength the people have! I truly believe and would die to make the world a better place. The funny thing is, we shouldn't have to die for it! Human nature builds the best worlds, fighting this nature is actually fighting human nature! As long as conservatives and liberals thirst for control of others, we will never be able to have the best lives! It is sad but true! Competitve markets, not high taxes and big government build the greatest nations, highest average life expectancy, lowest amounts of child labor, lowest unemployment, more goods and services, better efficiency, lower adult literacy rates, lower infant death rates, as well as the greatest growth of income per capita! The problem is nobody ever researches these things! They always look at a politician and do whatever they say should be done! There is a reason that America doesn't have France's debt and 10.2% unemployment rate. There are reasons why France and Sweden's healthcare are starting to decrease in services rendered! There are reasons why Cuba, Venezuela, Africa, and many other socialist type countries are beginning to decrease in almost every category addressed above! Without knowledge these people are left to opinions, bad opinions. When I reject a government intervention they look at me as a devil even though I know I am doing the best thing for the future of society! It is sad to know that people are so bad that we can't even count on government! Many European countries were very rich before becoming socialist and now they are being drained more and more everyday! The downfall of society is not because of greedy people in the private sector, it is because of uneducated voters that pick a side without research! This cycle of life will never stop and there is nothing the few educated people can do to stop it! World socialism is beginning and it will cause more deaths than communism's 100 million murders! The broken window fallacy is applied in almost every case in this example but many will disregard it! It is sad that so many people care, but that very few of those people understand the best way to help! Teach self reliability to your children, help them understand philanthropy! Help them understand why human nature needs to be placed into competitive markets and why governments destroy growth and prosperity, especially for the poor! Help them understand the truth and lies from the politicians words! It is sad but in todays world, many people do not understand how things just have to be! Heaven on earth is not attainable! Never will be! Economic freedom such as Hong Kong will be exactly what is needed to spread religion peacefully as well as giving the best lives possible to the most people! Give freedom to all ~ Libertarian
2007-03-08 06:23:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
brian s, who s butt are you trying to blow smoke up? If there was a study did it would show that the Zionist Jew's own almost every new's paper in America, and also the major T,V, stations,
the Jew Newhouse owned 152 news papers in America then he bought our Hearst publishing 350 new;s papers in the late 60s or early 70s which gave them almost complete control of the new,s media, the Washington Post s owned by this Korean Sun Moon or ? N,B,C HAS SILVERSTEIN, C,B,S, HAS NICHOLS
A.B.C. HAS ECHINSER, i MAY HAVE THE NAMES MIXED but this is the way our new;s media is controlled, C.N.N. DON'T KNOW AS I HAVE NOT CHECKED, and yes they do keep Americans divided , as long as we argue between our selves we can;t see what they are doing , and they can continue stealing and robbing from America and destroying it, this has been standard procedure for the last 50 years, it took Americans 200 years to build this nation into the strongest , richest and best nation this earth has ever known, but, it has only taken them working from within less than 30 years to almost destroy our country , that is why our forefathers didn't want to let Jew;s immigrate to America . as they saw what they always tried to do to any nation they got a toe hold in England had kicked them out then they went to Germany, look at what they did to Germany , then Hitler came along and history shows what happened then , as General McArthur and Gen, Patton said after the war , ( we will curse the day we fought Germany) there is a story behind that also but, not enough space here to write it,
Yes America is divided and will remain so unless we can come together and kick the Jew;s out as England did, we may not be lucky enough to find another Hitler, so call me anti semetic, good, to me it is a honor as I am 100% American
F,Y,I, it really makes no difference which party is in power as the zionist own both parties, Dem's and Rep's just look at who is the richest and biggest lobbest in Washington.
2007-03-04 07:15:40
answer #2
answered by james w 3
First of all, one must remember that the purpose of the media in this country is, by and large, not to disseminate information so that people can make up their own minds, but rather to sell products advertised on their programs/websites.
Controversy sells. Consensus doesn't.
Also understand that TV news has conditioned us to expect news to be given to us in small, easy to understand bites. Gone are the hours long analysis of an event, shown from every point of view. The more simplistic, the easier to fit into the time constraints. This effects the blogosphere as well; most posters know that reader's eyes tend to glaze over if a piece is too long.
Dumbing down better fits time constraints
The wise person has to look long and hard at a variety of media from around the world, and then weigh the prejudices and bias of said media, before forming an opinion.
2007-03-04 06:45:24
answer #3
answered by KCBA 5
Absolutely. The media has found that the cheapest, easiest way they can produce a flashy story is to promote nasty rhetoric or "dirt" on either side. Delving very deep(real reporting) is expensive. Look at how entertainment "news"(gossip) has taken over our TV screens. And look at the little press John Edwards receives-because he's not devisive enough??? The only story I've seen on the very political Sunday was because Ann Coulter was behaving in a typical tabloidish way.
I belive some the deviseness comes from the parties allowng the rhetoric at main poitical events. I personally, a moderate Dem, appalled by the name calling-and I would be just as mad at my own party. I want real debate, not rhetoric.
2007-03-04 06:52:09
answer #4
answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6
Since most of television and newspapers are owned by liberals they report either anti -Bush or pro-Clinton. They are afraid to report just facts and allow Americans to make up their own minds.
So, to answer your question YES the media is helping divide the American people.
It would be nice to see the media report on the good we are doing in Iraq. Like restoring utilities and installing utilities to parts of the country that never had any. How many schools and hospitals have we built? Do women still get stoned in public like they did before we arrived? NO PARTY AFFILIATION, JUST REPORT THE FACTS!!!
2007-03-04 07:06:29
answer #5
answered by Gunny Bill 3
I think this country was divided by the war and the lies leading up to it. We were united in a way not seen in 60 years until the decider began to manipulate the country for his personal agenda. If you just take a sampling here on Y!A, I think you can see that
2007-03-04 06:43:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The media is very biased. The fact is most news channels and newspapers are owned and operated by Democrats. There was a study done a couple of years ago that proved this. To my knowledge FOX news is the only republican ran news station. NBC, CBS, CNN are ran by Dems. So nomatter what they are tied to one side or the other
2007-03-04 06:43:30
answer #7
answered by Brian S 1
I can hardly see any difference between those two parties. But I don't think the mainstream media of the US seeks to "divide the American people", since the positive aspect of union between different people or peoples is only if they are united over positive things. If people are united over having wars of aggression, then it is called Fascism.
2007-03-04 06:43:17
answer #8
answered by Avner Eliyahu R 6
I would say that the media is following the Bush admin lead on dividing the country. When they (Fox News) accused who ever disagreed with the Iraq war of being cowards, traitors, and communists, that pretty much set the tone of the discussion. A true leader would have condemned such harsh rhetoric in its infancy and Fox News would have followed Bush admin's bidding.
2007-03-04 06:40:18
answer #9
answered by Chi Guy 5
I agree with you. The media contributes to the over-simplification of complicated people and complicated issues.
For example, I'm pro-choice, pro-gay rights, but also against gun control and for the death penalty.
You just can't pigeonhole people.
2007-03-04 06:54:20
answer #10
answered by catrionn 6