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Thats all they ever talk about. There are more important things to worry about in this world than sex

2007-03-04 06:09:42 · 13 answers · asked by The Zunester 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

13 answers

Because they're hormones are raging at that age. It's just now the topic of sex is less taboo now.

Teens back in the day were JUST AS obsessed as they are now, they were just more afraid to talk about it.

2007-03-04 06:39:52 · answer #1 · answered by Aaron H 3 · 0 0

Teens just havent started being obessed. I am almost 25 and I it was the same 10 years ago. It does start at home. But lets face it, unless you have really strict firm parents, kids can get away with anything. Back in the day everbody had pagers and would do the codes and then you turn your pager upside down and read the message. Now kids have cell phones!! And also more kids are getting more access to internet, T.V. isnt making it no better either. But it really starts at home. Kids have more freedom now, and some just dont have the parents that care. My mom was no joke, yes I still snuck around and done things, but I knew just how far to go. One thing for sure, I still ahd to respect her house, my grades still had to be outstanding, she knew sex may have been a factor, she didnt condone it but she always said to protect myself, because babies will nt be in her house at all, until I am grown and can take of myself. But I am glad my mom was a firm as she was because most of my wild friends are struggling because they didnt have the same guidance that I had. But kids now are just more open, more kids are having babies. More kids are even open about their sexuality as far as being gay and cross dressing, not saying that anything is wrong, because people have to discover themselves. But kids are just so open now. One thing that I have noticed, the level of respect is out the window, so kids do not have any respect for elders, themselves, or just anybody. Like I said before, its starts at home. You learn from what your parents teach you. TV and music cant make a child react, influence yes, but not 100% of the blame should be on TV and music. But it is up to a child to think before they react. Sex is by choice, a child is going to do it whether you want them to or not, you just have to educate them. And there are alot of adults that just dont educate their kids about life, sex, drugs, violence, and other important things.

2007-03-04 06:52:04 · answer #2 · answered by Melanie R 2 · 1 0

That's the time of life when puberty, testosterone and hormones are going crazy. It's normal for a teenager to think about sex 24/7. It's how those thoughts are acted upon is where the problems lie.

2007-03-04 07:49:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is this just happening today? Like all teens in the past were proper Victorians and Puritans about sex?

2007-03-04 06:16:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There are? When I was a teen I was just as obsessed, as you probably were too. That's all guys think about, regardless of what we say. We are very primal.

2007-03-04 06:51:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

they've been inondated with images and messages from such a young age I guess... There are more important things and it takes some folks a lifetime to realize that...

2007-03-04 06:12:22 · answer #6 · answered by tomi27410 4 · 0 0

no longer unrealistic in any respect...See now for this reason in Islam we dont date, in case you dont have a bf then the temptation to sin and have premarital intercourse isn't their. for this reason we dodge the 1st step as a results of fact it so truthfully leads down a process ''is it unrealistic....'' There are Billions of Muslim who realistically stay virgins and while married have pleasurable intercourse lives. in the journey that your making it a controversy then it is going to likely be a controversy. in simple terms some generations in the past there replaced into no such subject for anybody as GF and BF ok, possibly to your your super grandparents yet for me in simple terms my grandparents. playstation they the place no longer Muslims yet Scottish Protestants yet no person did then you definately left college, have been given a activity and have been given married. intercourse until now marriage replaced right into a super taboo. So if in simple terms ninety,eighty years in the past it replaced into sensible I dont agree its unrealistic now extraordinarily for Christian young people who're to abstain until ultimately marriage. additionally its no longer the Church that desires you to abstain its GOD, church did no longer write the regulations The Torah, Bible and the Quran the place all Gods revelations so fairly your telling God his expectancies for followers are unrealistic. right this is my tip, dont have a BF subject over...

2016-10-02 09:10:09 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

teens has always been obsessed with sex

2007-03-04 06:16:04 · answer #8 · answered by Assad 3 · 2 0

I'm 15 and i'm not! Friends are though - main reason being Internet on mobile phones - yeah, you can decide what!!

2007-03-04 06:28:34 · answer #9 · answered by BrilliantPomegranate 4 · 0 0

Yeah, but its fun and teens today have realized that.

2007-03-04 06:14:20 · answer #10 · answered by ♥katie♥ 3 · 0 1

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