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Why do we have to learn foreign language to pass high school?
Why do we have to learn foreign language to pass high school?
Why do we have to learn foreign language to pass high school?
It is necessary but tell me this. We have to learn spainish or any other language, why do we have to learn it i mean if hispanics or any other race people are coming over from their country then they should english first. Especially illegal immigrants they shouln't have came over if they did not know english. Im not trying sound like a redneck but i already know hindi and english, why force me to learn another language to pass high school. America is a country that speaks english and if people want to come over here they should learn english instead of sticking to their own language. I think this president wants to punish the people that they do not like his ideas.
Do u guys agree, i mean us high school students have such heavy work from math and science and all other subjects trying to make our future why should we HAVE to learn language, why can't they just make it an option. People we have so much work from other subjects like science aren't they just pushing us students too hard

2007-03-04 04:58:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

I agree with you. On a smaller scale, if I came to your place and you wanted me to take off my shoes before I come in, then I need to respect you and take off my shoes. You should have to allow me to come into your place with my shoes on just because thats the way I do it. Thats the same thing with people come here to live, we shouldn't have to learn their language just because THEY want to live here, instead...if they can't speak english then they shouldn't be here.

2007-03-05 16:48:58 · answer #1 · answered by WV_Nomad 6 · 0 0

in case you experience that persons could desire to learn English fluently in the previous coming to u . s . of america, then you fairly could desire to be arranged to income a language fluently in the previous vacationing in another u . s .. you would be unable to have racist double standards. the faculty device is making an attempt to instruct us something useful by skill of requiring a foreign places language. So, include the prospect to income approximately yet another subculture. the factor of discovering a foreign places language is to stop being blind to something of the worldwide.

2016-09-30 04:45:13 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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