i think she's great and, being a star most girl look up to u and
do what u do and want to follow u and she's doing she's setting a good example thats why she's the best and i love her!!! she pretty she's a good actress,and she a veryy nice person!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-04 14:03:48
answer #1
answered by ~♥Cullen♥~ 3
She's a good woman. Beauty does come from within, and that's why she is so pretty. I think as you grow older and do better for the world, God beautifies you. She's maybe 31 or 30, and look at her. Angelina's done so much for the world. She has three children, three gorgeous children, and she's instilling herself in them. Angelina is making them love the world, and love the people just like she did. She tours around the world giving speeches and lectures on how mass destruction can come into someone's hands and destroy the world. She's making a difference, and even if she didn't adopt an American child, she will strive to adopt many other babies, because they truly do need love, care, and shelter, the most important things.
2007-03-04 13:44:28
answer #2
answered by sPrInG LiLY 6
I think shes a beautiful woman that is using her status as a celebrity to draw attention to the plight of orphans and such. I was beginning to wonder why her and Brad didn't try to help out with the New Orleans tragedy. Brad came thru tho.I think she is a great humanitarian and all, but I believe she is moving a little too fast. Her own child isn't a year old and she is already trying to adopt again. She is still grieving for her mother and may use this as a means to cope. I just wish she would consider adopting a child from the U.S. and slow down a little. She has three children under the age of six. Didn't like one interview she gave. She referred to her child as a blob, stated she felt more connected to the adopted kids and so on. I hope she doesn't make the mistake of reflecting those feelings toward her own children. It seems unfair to me. Even so she has used her money and status in a positive way and I respect her for that.
2007-03-04 15:01:05
answer #3
answered by psykobarbi 2
I don't think that she is trying to send any message, she is just doing what she thinks is right for her to do, if she wants to adopt a child from some exotic place away from America, hey , why not right?
I think she is trying to create a non racial environment in her family, which i personally think is good, her children is not going to grow up confused, instead I think they are going to grow up respecting other races, religion, ethnicity, and background. That for me is an excellent way to raise up any kid. And I respect her a lot.
Plus I don't think she is trying to create any publicity about it, It's the work of paparazzi or the reporters that seem to always follow her around, you know that tend to happen to famous people.
2007-03-04 13:32:19
answer #4
answered by tasyreen 2
I think she's trying to do the right thing with her celebrity status. It must be hard for her to be in such a "fishbowl" of a life when you are so hounded by people you can't even go to the grocery store. She wouldn't be able to have a quiet adoption if she tried. They had to hire bodygaurds to stand outside the delivery room when she gave birth herself! I hope that she and Brad can stay together even with all of this pressure.
2007-03-04 13:52:39
answer #5
answered by Amy Jo 2
She's either a bit touched in the head or she wants to avoid the pain of child-birth, which is plain common sense.
But maybe I am unfair-maybe she does care for the poor children of the world(Although I wonder if her own country doesn't have any?)
2007-03-04 13:34:35
answer #6
answered by Seven 2
i love angelina i think she is tryin to make the world a better place in her own way and you have to love her for takin all these children and giving them a chance at a great life something they probally would not have had without her ... so boo on anyone who downs her for whhat she does
2007-03-04 13:17:04
answer #7
answered by feathered_eyes 2
i think it is so wrong. her kids are going to grow up confused. if she wanted to adopt which is great because she has the money for it she should have gotten all the same breed type what ever. i am not a rasist i just think it isn't right to be doing that it isn't fare to the kids especially her own.
2007-03-04 13:08:58
answer #8
answered by Kristina 4
"Look at me, I'm a good person, see how I do humanitarian work, look at me, love me, look at me!"
If she really cared about orphans and not the media attention, she could adopt orphans with no pomp and from less "exotic" places. That is still better than most other shallow celebs who do nothing whatsoever, but there is a lot of ego and narcissism in it.
2007-03-04 13:06:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm thinking Joan Crawford. Narcisism on her part, but I think Brad wants a family, and as long as he is willling to play Daddy, they will keep adopting.
2007-03-04 13:13:50
answer #10
answered by Mcgranny 3