Right lets all get down to Dover,find a nice policeman talk gobidy gok and wave our arms about.He will pop us on a bus to croydon.Once their they will ask what sort of house you would like how you want the British people to change their way of life to best suit you.You will also be paid to stay, and if you feel you have been mistreated (ie the nice policeman didn't offer you a cup of tea) in any way please sue the government for as much as your free solicitor can get............You really couldn't make this stuff up!!!
13 answers
asked by
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How is this racist.? Its a point of view.Their is no name calling.Its not picking on anyone group, it is you OD the small mind who have no argument.....Use the race card when ever your backed into a corner...
04:54:20 ·
update #1
Jacky. There there I stand corrected.
04:59:01 ·
update #2
You don't know how to spell "there" but I applaud your sentimentsand would argue with that other guy that there is a line between racism and simple survival.
2007-03-04 04:52:24
answer #1
answered by Cream tea 4
I agree.......BUT I AM NOT RACIST (before i start getting the thumbs down)
i am a single mum with 2 young children. I am in emergency/temporary accomodation, and am on the waiting list for a council house. i have got to wait up to 5 years,
i think that this has been summed up in the most politeset way.
It a simple example of how the government are messing things up, and also why so many brits are leaving England.
Dont boo what i say people, i am only stating facts.
2007-03-04 13:10:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Its a good point of view. I moved to a different culture where I learnt their language and stood on my own two feet from day one.
Too much has been given away, time to give back and look after their own! before all British move out to another country.
You wouldn't believe the number of ex-pats living just where I do and it sometimes shocks me as to their reasons why.
2007-03-04 13:10:10
answer #3
answered by unareticencia 3
This just HAS to be the best analysis of Great Britain and New Labour ever written......well done to the Cad!
2007-03-04 12:53:17
answer #4
answered by doingitallforwrenches 3
I think I'll just settle for the two points.
2007-03-04 14:07:52
answer #5
answered by always_up2001 3
Perhaps you'd like to live where they'v been living mate , might change your point of view , and just in case you'r not fully aware , we are all Europeans now !!
2007-03-04 12:51:38
answer #6
answered by nicemanvery 7
Hell they do that here in the United Staes if you are not really from here.
2007-03-04 12:48:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i get what your saying, there is some truth in your statement
2007-03-04 12:52:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm Quite !!!
2007-03-04 12:49:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ain't that the truth?
2007-03-04 12:51:53
answer #10
answered by Paulie 5