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Anybody out there like me who goes to a stressful workplace everyday (maybe 8 hours or more like me) where people are constantly bitching and moaning, then, if you are still living at home or with somebody, you go home and people are on your case and bitching and moaning there too?? My ex-girlfriend screwed me over with money which put ME in the hole and my bills are coming and coming. Like no matter where you go you just can't get peace and quiet??

For the first time in my entire life I've considered taking my life like right now, could somebody just give me a little advice..it would be greatly appreciated.

2007-03-03 11:11:30 · 7 answers · asked by Terry 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

Aw, i feel really badly that you're having such a hard time. Unfortunately, i think MOST people are in the situation (at least the bitching/moaning part at work and home) it's too bad that you were screwed over by someone you couldn't trust.

Suicide is certaintly not the answer. i know things are stressful and seem hopeless, but killing yourself is only a permanent answer to a temporary problem.

are you really going to end it and give it all up because of some beyotch who took advantage of you???

i think you're smarter then that.

the only advice i can give you, is if there are any bills in HER NAME ONLY, don't pay them. it ruins her credit :0)
or if she was on the lease....there must be some kind of legal action you can take.

if you find yourself if such a rut, that you wouldn't be able to make
ends meet, call 211 ( first call for help). it is a great resource servisce where you might be able to get money help, phychological help,, legal advice and many other recources
for **FREE**

i hope this was helpful information you could use.

i hope that things get better for you. Take care.

2007-03-03 11:25:24 · answer #1 · answered by who cares! 3 · 0 0

Job wise...I can totally relate.
Relationship wise, not so much. But I know all about being in debt.
I know how you feel. My quality of life is decreasing every year (financially) Had to take a cut in pay (either that or be laid off) and my rent went up! I am barely scraping by...living check to check. All I can offer for advise is:
Don't kill yourself! Nothing worth having comes easy.
Learn from that mistake (with your g friend). Don't repeat it. Pull yourself out of debt. If you get paid bi-weekly there are two month out of the year you get an extra check (typically there are two paydays per month) Use the $$$ from that extra check to knock off debt. Also it's tax time. if you get a refund apply all of it to debt. I know it's hard I am in debt up to my @$$, student loans, bills, car pymts, insurance, it never ends. Try creating a budget and stick to it.

2007-03-03 19:21:53 · answer #2 · answered by morebidd 3 · 0 0

It is time to take stock of your life.
Make a list of the good things you have:
your health
your job
a promising future

Now look into a way to get out of that debt. See a credit counselor. They may be able to give you some help.

Take stock of everything you have learned through this. Be very careful in future relationships. A cousin of mine told me he never had a successful relationship because he kept dating the same type of girl. When he dated "against type", he found her.

2007-03-03 19:23:05 · answer #3 · answered by diannegoodwin@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

We all have troubled times in life, and if you are of the opion, that you should leave, then leave. It's not about what i think, your life or death mean little to me, as I don't even know you. Have I had times in my life where I wanted to end it ...yes, Have I done it, obviously no, so all I can say is that in the long run things will improve, at least they did for me...If you feel otherwise, then just pull the plug...

2007-03-04 12:10:59 · answer #4 · answered by Bill A 3 · 0 0

I think we all go through tough times and often those around us don't make it easy. Just hold on because as crap as life can be, it is still worth hanging on to. I've been in a place where ending it all seemed like the answer and thankfully lived through my botched up attempt. It can get better.

2007-03-03 19:24:57 · answer #5 · answered by zbak 2 · 0 0

ok yes man that is a permanent fix to a temporary problem i am going through things now bills are stacked up like pancakes man it will be ok e-mail me and maybe we can talk over the phone man life is never that bad

2007-03-03 19:16:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't do it. Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Bill A just gave the worst advice ever -- to any problem.

2007-03-03 19:27:47 · answer #7 · answered by GreenGrasshopper 2 · 0 1

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