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because i don't think so and who are you to judge,,is it any of your business?

2007-03-03 10:25:23 · 10 answers · asked by fitboyfitboyfitboy 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

10 answers

No its not like you decide you were gay one day. Belive in yourself and your shinning star will look over you.

2007-03-04 02:30:07 · answer #1 · answered by Gracie B. 1 · 1 2

Saying that one believes something is right or wrong does not mean that someone is judging that person. They are simply stating an opinion. Is it wrong that I am a Christian? If your answer is "yes", then does that mean you are judging me? What if your personal beliefs are that it IS wrong to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Would that mean you are judging me because you believe that? To believe that something is right or wrong doesn't mean that you are judging someone. You asked if it is wrong to be gay. The answer to that question is open to a variety of different interpretations according to a person's personal beliefs. Some will say it is not wrong, while others say it is wrong. Are only the people who agree with you non-judgmental? If that holds true, then that would mean that you are equally judgmental of those who don't agree with you because you don't agree with them. See what I mean? It is not being judgmental to have an opinion about whether or not something is right. It IS judgmental however, to form an opinion about that person based on those beliefs. I as a Christian DO believe it is wrong to be gay because my personal beliefs, based upon the Bible, tell me that it is wrong. It is also wrong to do many of the things that I myself do. I don't presume to judge anyone. I am not perfect, and many could judge me for things. God is the only judge. Now if I were to say, I don't believe it is okay to be gay, but I do respect and like you as a person, then I don't believe there is anything wrong with that. If on the other hand, I said that I not only think that it is wrong to be gay, but that I think you are scum because of it, then obviously, that would be judgmental, arrogant and wrong. I would never do such a thing.

Please consider that when you think others are being judgmental of you for not agreeing with you, then logic dictates that you are being equally judgmental of them for not agreeing with them as well. Judgment doesn't come from disagreeing with someone. It comes from forming a negative opinion about someone, out of a bias based on how one believes. Judgment and opinion are 2 different things. And no, it is nobody's business what your sexual orientation is. It IS the business of Christians however, to be obedient to the teachings of Christ when it tells us to love one another and to tell others about Christ. That's our prerogative, guaranteed by the freedom of religion that we have in this country. As long as we are loving others without disrespecting them in the process, then we are being obedient to our beliefs.

2007-03-03 18:53:57 · answer #2 · answered by Chimichanga to go please!! 6 · 0 2

I would like to be as kind to you as possible. I am a Christian and the Bible speaks against Homosexuality. I didn't write the Bible so don't be mad at me. But, then you(and I) can live any way we want to. I believe there is a Judgement after death. We will all be judged according to how we lived our lives. That's what the Bible says, too. "It is apppointed unto man to die and then the Judgement". You could pray and say to God, "God, if you are real, prove it to me" Good luck to you. I will pray for you. Oh, I think what Pastor Fred Phelps is doing is wrong and he makes all Christians look bad. He's the one that shows up at gay funerals and has insulting signs.. Wrong, wrong wrong of him...

2007-03-03 18:36:09 · answer #3 · answered by Judith H 5 · 1 2

Why did you ask the question, if you've already made up your mind?

Why did you introduce the subject and then slam us for intruding in your business?

Perhaps being gay is just one symptom of your overall general state of confusion.

2007-03-04 10:25:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


You are the one who asked.

I could not care less in either case, as long as you respect fact i'm straight.

I've met 20 gays and only had issues with one of them, who had bad habit of touching people who did not ask.

2007-03-03 18:50:18 · answer #5 · answered by rostov 5 · 0 1

If it is wrong that you are gay, then it is wrong that my fish is well... a fish.
There's nothing wrong with being who you are.

2007-03-03 18:29:07 · answer #6 · answered by Fool on the Hill 4 · 1 1

no it is not wrong its perfectly fine. you are who you are. and as long as youre comfortable with your sexuality it doesnt matter what anybody else thinks!

2007-03-03 18:29:00 · answer #7 · answered by point_me_to_the_sky_above 1 · 4 1

You're so gay.

2007-03-03 18:33:57 · answer #8 · answered by truthyness 7 · 0 1

Have you ever taken a biology class?

2007-03-03 18:32:42 · answer #9 · answered by woooof ! 3 · 1 3


2007-03-03 18:29:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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