Hi, I know what your saying, I have a 7 year old son and I am scared of how he will turn out, I have strong morals and am very stricked, but sometime strickness pushes them away, he is a good kid but I just worry, because of bad influences in this world.
My cousin was 16 when he joined a gang in Melbourne, he is now 19 and has been in and out of detention centre's. I partly believe that as children, and i dont know this as actual facts, but I cant shake the thought that some of these youth were hard done by as children, and when I say hard done by I mean, molestation, abuse, alcoholism, no stability, well there are alot of issues, unfortunately we cant change what has happened in the past but we can help them understand. I am from Victoria, Australia, It is very sad that our children make these choices in life, maybe they dont realise that yes they do have choices, and that there are ways of succeeding in life. I believe we need stronger support systems targeting youths heading towards distruction, I think the government's need to be more concerned about our kid, this is a worry to me... And it's all in the Goverments hands.
We need some boot camps instead of sending them to detention centres, you know monkey see monkey do, I believe putting them in detention centres only helps them continue on there road to distruction. BOOT CAMPS, will help, we should have lots of them, just like our drug and alcohol rehabs.
Well I hope I have helped with your question, I wish you all the best...
2007-03-03 10:36:39
answer #1
answered by uniqueinspirations 2
Communication is the key. All you have to do is just listen teenagers. I think most of the time people are just going to assume that they know everything because they are older than teenagers and wont even give them a chance to express their opinions. These are the same people that don't understand why their kids are rebellious. I think people already have a negative stereotype about teenagers before even getting to know them personally. All you have to do is give people a chance, if they make a mistake then you can correct them or do things your way.
2007-03-03 19:15:39
answer #2
answered by jason j 3
The parents need to teach them that their actions effect the world around them and that they should have responsibility. This, I believe, is a key force that is missing from a lot of parenting today. And the problems that arise from that are teenagers who feel inadequate and then grow up to either be nothings who live on the street or who live with their parents well into their adulthood after marriage and kids.
2007-03-03 17:42:51
answer #3
answered by FaerieWhings 7
Give them something important to do. It's only in recent years that the teen years became significant in the eyes of soceity. Before that, they were just treated as adults. Many teens feel trapped by the restrictions put on their age group and do the things they do so they feel significant (a feat that isn't easy when your main occupation is sitting and listening to lectures)
2007-03-03 17:43:06
answer #4
answered by DonSoze 5
*POINT BLANK* - Help them learn the W.I.I.F.M?-principle. Notice how I mention "HELP".....
Explain "the bigger life issues" in a direct, straightforward manner that will help them see and understand the What's In It For Me. Explain these issues in a "what will happen if (you) do / or do not do _____."
Give them an IMMEDIATE result, so they can see what has just happened because of their action / inaction.
*Remember that their attention span might be on the *NOW* whereas your concept might be for the long term.
(A note for us who intereact with these kids: We have to understand what "other" pressures these kids are going through.) Develop EMPATHY for these kids.
2007-03-03 17:57:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Cutting yourself IS an answer or it would not be popular.
It DOES work to bring down out of control feelings.
Yes there are less physical ways to deal with feeling out of control, but why is the physically violent answer always excused outright?
The fact that the children have potential to do anything is because of wars and violence.
Our comfort that allows us to achieve our "potential"
is born from violence
and is maintained with violence.
How do you expect children to not be violent?
2007-03-03 17:59:11
answer #6
answered by redwoodpeacock 1
I'm a teen and I think community service, especially working with kids, helps. Show them what would have happened if they didn't help the kids
2007-03-03 17:42:45
answer #7
answered by omygosh 4
how about addressing the parents about it? theyre the ones who DONT pay any attention to their offspring..maybe we could start a chatroom for this problem and let the unloved kids ask for whut they need.arent there support groups around?why dont you start one..i have a daughter who tried to do the c thing too she ended up with 49 stitches in each wrist...Im interested in finding out what to do...
2007-03-03 17:46:18
answer #8
answered by fawn b 2
we must treat them with respect and teach them values and give them jobs to do that help.we must start by teaching morals and giving to help others in school and at home.it takes a village to raise a child
2007-03-03 17:45:16
answer #9
answered by woodsonhannon53 6
Have more social outings were the teenagers can talk and interact with adults and teens, and see succesful people from today, so they can be succesful people tommorow.
2007-03-03 17:44:11
answer #10
answered by Tony C 4