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9 answers

Elect better federal officials of all types.
The Skeptical Christian (and politically liberal, lol)
Grace and Peace

2007-03-03 09:27:51 · answer #1 · answered by Dust in the Wind 7 · 0 1

America is not an empire. But there are solutions to keep us from turning into a third world sh*thole:

1. Illegals are deported by any means necessary. A wall is built at both borders and enforced.

2. End welfare for the able-bodied and make them work. Anyone on welfare loses the right to vote and bear children.

3. No more "refugees" enter the country, third worlders with nothing to offer other than crime and murder.

4. Ban Islam, it is a religion of the sword.

5. Investigate and incarcerate or execute liberals in government for their crimes against America.

6. All foreign corporations are prevented from buying American companies and land, and cannot build their products on American soil to avoid tariffs.

7. Tariffs are put on all products entering America, equal to or more than what we pay to export.

8. English is the official language of America. All ballots, books, and newspapers are printed solely in English.

9. Unions have their powers limited so that they stop bankrupting great American companies like General Motors and Ford Motor Company. All factories in foreign countries are closed and all American companies manufacture products in country. NAFTA and CAFTA are ended, as are all treaties aimed at screwing the American worker. Meats, fruits, and vegetables are produced by American farmers.

10. Lobbying is outlawed, no special interests allowed. All corrupt politicians are no longer above the law. In a sane country, buffoons like Bill Clinton and Sandy Berger should be rotting in prison. In times of war, treasonous politicians such as John Kerry and Dick Durban are tried and convicted for treason.

Need I go on?

Can this be done? Yes. Will it be done? Not until you lemmings stop paying attention to Paris Hilton and start recalling your "representatives" for selling you out. Your country is being sold from right under your feet, and all you care about is Britney Spears.

2007-03-03 17:51:45 · answer #2 · answered by Lord Vader 2 · 0 0

the oil companies and the medical companies and the insurance companies need to be controlled and not run politics.they have too much power.greed also is out of control.we need the people to get back the power with compassion and fairness and love.we need all the world to unite in solving all problems and find solutions to every mistake we are making now.it takes us all to do our part.one person can make a difference

2007-03-03 17:41:32 · answer #3 · answered by woodsonhannon53 6 · 0 0

No I don't see it. The only problem I see is that our government spends more than it takes in. This is bad for the Dollar because China is basically paying to keep our government afloat buy buying US treasury Notes. So in effect China is Our Government

2007-03-03 17:27:52 · answer #4 · answered by Samantha 6 · 0 0

Get back to using the constitution as it was intended.......this country was founded on Christianity.....so it needs to go back to it.....instead of separation of church and state.....in my opinion.

2007-03-03 17:33:12 · answer #5 · answered by cajunrescuemedic 6 · 0 0

there is no american "empire".

2007-03-03 17:27:02 · answer #6 · answered by patriot07 5 · 2 0

Actually, it's just getting started.

2007-03-03 17:29:26 · answer #7 · answered by screaminhangover 4 · 0 1

Please get a new president and ur erm "empire" shall not fall!

2007-03-03 17:28:18 · answer #8 · answered by ~ B_e_K_z ~ 5 · 0 1

The American imperial behemoth finally lies panting at the sandaled feet of its nemesis, the ragtag resistance fighters, in the sands of Iraq and Afghanistan. Desperate attempts are on by the deniers to infuse new life into the flagging leviathan, but alas, it is dying as sure a death as that of its masters’ dream. Albeit hideously so, even its death is promising to be spectacular. For the event will scatter far and wide, bits and pieces of the myth of American supremacy and the delusion of an empire.
Nothing can be sadder than the fact that a country that welcomed to its bosom victims of the abuse of other powers for centuries, finally became the greatest abuser of power itself. And in so doing, wrote its own epitaph.

The reason, as frequently is the case in the fall of empires, will be imperial overreach--that fatal roaming bug that spelled the end of most empires. From the Philippines to Vietnam to South America to Afghanistan to Iraq and now to Iran...the American Empire’s inevitable journey toward its grand finale suggests that it indeed has been administered the concluding dose by the colonial roaming bug.
Why it is happening is that America, drunk with its military power, stayed glued to its strategy of dominance while the world quietly passed her by. In her inebriated state, she failed to notice her rapid isolation and falling out of favor with most of the rest of the world and that, sooner or later, this universal dislike for 'Pax Americana' was bound to result in an almost universal backlash.

It is happening because, in far-flung corners of the world, it tried to roughly shove down its targets’ parched throats its economic, political, and cultural packages with an un-oiled military ramrod, resulting in a natural throwing up by the subjects of this force-fed diet.

It is happening because America, riding bareback on the 'God is on our side' moral conviction, took on certain peoples who consider themselves as ‘God’s most chosen people’ with a certainty that blowing up themselves and others for their belief was child’s play for them--the obvious result being that dialogue for problem-solving became the first casualty in this clash of divinities. In the ensuing vicious game, the other side naturally became evil--and crushing and exterminating in the name of God became the name of the game.

It is happening because America forgot that many other empires have had their day in the sun as superpowers before which others trembled. But today their crumbling ruins stand witnesses in mute silence to the fact that none were sovereign over the kingdoms of men for infinite times. All came to sad, inglorious ends.

It is happening because America failed to pay attention to the fact that Britain, its former colonial master and demonstrably the greatest empire the world has ever seen and where the sun never set, stands so withered today that now it hardly ever sees a sunrise. Within a generation it was history.

It is happening because America failed to notice that due to its arrogant display of ruthless power, some truly bizarre alliances have emerged in response in recent years. Fundamentalist Muslim countries like Iran are teaming up with godless atheist communist nations like China and Stalinist North Korea to trade oil, nuclear know-how, and deadly missile systems. And with Iran and North Korea rushing to produce nuclear arms, Russia and China refuse to whole heartedly support any meaningful UN action to prevent it.

It is happening because in doggedly threatening Iran, America absolutely refuses to see that most empires decay because in the end not only does the physical infrastructure become inadequate to sustain the frontiers, there is inevitably a loss of interest or will to sustain it due to hostile actions by neighbors. Like termites they continue to nibble away at the far edges.

It is happening because despite having a Judeo-Christian leadership at the helm of its command, it takes no heed of the warning contained in The Old Testament’s exclamation of, "How are the mighty fallen!" That remains one of the earliest recorded responses to the spinning wheel of fortune.

The spectacle of faded civilizations gives one a simultaneous sense of foreboding and nostalgia along with other practical considerations. The sense of history one gains from visiting a museum is staggering. For therein lie artifacts and remains from the great empires of history that marched across the sands of time—Egypt, Israel, Judah, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Objects from the reigns of ancient monarchs like Hezekiah, Sennacherib, Shalmaneser, Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, and Herod almost leap to life from the glassed cabinets in dimly lit corridors of these museums.

As the Roaming American Empire does finally fall, however, all that its king, George W. Bush, is likely to add to that collection is a pair each of Levis jeans, cowboy boots, and a Stetson hat.

The irony is that, just like Shelley, at some point in the future, a poet is likely to stumble upon the irresistible antiquity of America’s gloom and doom in the rubble of old realms, and like him again conceive an ironic and admonitory epitaph: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:/ Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

The epitaph of the American Empire, though, has long been written by one George Sutherland, that eminent US jurist and appointee to the U.S. Supreme court before the Second World War. It reads,

“The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished freedom is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while there was still time.”

2007-03-03 17:26:31 · answer #9 · answered by hadit l 2 · 0 1

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