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any answers. thoughts or opinions

2007-03-03 09:17:48 · 28 answers · asked by skater 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

28 answers

Because of all the stupid people living on it. Everybody's greed, jealousy, hatred, and selfishness is what makes this world messed up. If only people would stop thinking about themselves all the time and actually cared about something, it would be better.

2007-03-03 09:22:05 · answer #1 · answered by stephygirl4ever 3 · 1 0

Because everyone doesn't live together as one.

People have differnent cultures, religions, views, and ways of life. People don't how to accept people for who they are.

This causes conflict in the world, but if we are all together and accept people for who they are (we are all humans no matter what colour our skin is), the world would be a better place.

Born in Australia, (the most multi-cultral country in the world) it has shown me that there are so many people in the world. It was just normal at a young age to accept everyone.

Everywhere I go in Australia is sunny, beautiful, happy and cheery. Everyone accepts people and cultures, and that makes the world a better place. It's great having differnent cultures around, and it makes life interesting.

If people just accepted people, and we all worked together it would be a whole new world.

Trying to get this message across the world is hard, but in time with and with hope you never know.

2007-03-03 17:27:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The lack of parental love, care and support, in my opinion is a big one. Another is the increase of poverty, and the fact that kids would rather play Grand Theft Auto or blog on "my space" about "so and so" rather than learn anything in a classroom. Education is the solution to ignorance, and it's ignorance and lack of respect to ones self or others that makes this word screwed up. I could go on and on, but I really feel that parenting, education respect, (and responsibility) are key to making this world a pleasant place to live. Let me just finish by saying that there is nothing wrong with blogging or video games, but they really shouldn't be responsible for taking up the majority of free time.

2007-03-03 17:31:12 · answer #3 · answered by morebidd 3 · 1 0

Because of many factors. Science teaches us the law of laws and rules. Even the law of sequence. We know what happens if we push even just one wrong button on our keyboard, don,t we.
Everything that functions is based on a certain order. If this order is broken, it,s back to chaos. The most intelligent person has the best ability of controlling order.
So, judge Politicans by that fact.
We live in a secular world where people believe to help yourself and push anyone else aside is success. Rip people off and get rich, a success. - Wrong, many people know much about physical laws but have no idea that every physical law has a spiritual law as a counterpart.
The law of retaliation is not about revenge and punishment, is is the consequenses of breaking laws.
If we brake the laws of nature and produce chemicals and put it in our foods and polute the earth, the spiritual law of retaliation will surely get us. One day there will be epidemics in health and other things, like foodproduction.
In the past People were thaught by Religion about those things, but today even the religious leaders have lost the battle and are not able to teach anything useful.
The accepted attitude that there is no God, people who believe that would not be able to say that there was no God because they would never have been born. Any woman would know the complexity of childbirth. A marvel of thousands of things being and happening in the right order. Even if a few or sometimes one of the links in the chain of order is broken, we have a lost baby.
All the things in the universe that are based on order and laws, well who is responsible? A Politican ? No, a being of high intelligence. Religious people like to seperate science and religion, not having the faintest idea that God is the Master Scientist, and not the inventor of the microchip or a a software writer or Politican. Unfortunately God is explained by religious teachers as an old man with a white beard, or an angry being wanting to punish people and terrorising people, giving them no freedom and enslave humans with his laws, can,t do this can,t do that. Well, far from it. Religion should teach us about the master Scientist and how he wants to help us by using law and order.
Look at Politicans, no idea of order or obligations. If we have an item that seems to stop working or go wrong, we at once try to fix it and if that does not work, we get rid of it and replace it. We don,t put a broken Laptop in a glass cabinet and clean it every day, do we? The law should tell us,it does NOT work, we still use the term,it is OUT OF ORDER.
So, why is this world in such a mess? Because people who have the intelligence and power to establish and controll order have failed. These people have no interest to protect the beings in the human field ,people who work and keep the law. Instead we have a new kind of Terrorism. Children, too young to be jailed,so let them loose on Society. Old people have to live in fear, just about anywhere in Australia. If the Politicians and law makers treat these Kids like a broken Laptop or a broken Car, then they would act differently.
One of the spiritual laws includes courage. No sport or other achievement can be carried out without courage.
A mountain claimer needs courage, or he fails. That is why Politicans fail, because they have no courage and they miss many other spiritual laws and the knowledge about it.
So, without courage Politicans become useles and can not establish order, they rather become part of the disorder and chaos which we see today.
Never mind if you are religious or not, try to learn about natural and spiritual laws and try to use them in your life. Forget about Politicians, summits, elections and all that.
Because we the citizens in this country have to take the LAW in our own hands, if we want to get out of this mess, because nobody elsedoes, not the people we pay for protecting us.

2007-03-03 18:13:50 · answer #4 · answered by Hans M 2 · 1 1

Racism is treating someone differently or unfairly simply because they belong to a different race or culture.

People can also experience prejudice because of their religion or nationality.

Racism takes many different forms. These can include:
Personal attacks of any kind, including violence
Written or verbal threats or insults
Damage to property, including graffiti
Why are people racist?

Unfortunately racism can exist in all races and cultures. Racists feel threatened by anyone who is from a different race or culture.

We are not born racist. Our views and beliefs develop as we grow up. If a child or young person grows up within a racist family, or has friends who are racist, they may believe that racism is normal and acceptable.

Prejudice of any kind is often based on ignorance and fear of anything unfamiliar.

2007-03-04 09:27:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The reason the world is so screwed up is because of the massive amount of liberals in our country. They think that just leaving iraq right away will solve everything...well it wont. That will only lead to more terrorist attacks by extremist muslims who will see us as weak.

2007-03-03 17:23:25 · answer #6 · answered by Promethius 2 · 0 0

Because about half of the people in this world are screwed up.

2007-03-03 17:20:50 · answer #7 · answered by ? 1 · 2 0

Because the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, Satan the Devil and he will do anything to keep people from serving Jehovah and finding the truth that leads to ever lasting Life

2007-03-03 17:24:57 · answer #8 · answered by Here I Am 7 · 1 1

Humans as a whole do not look at the big picture & are a bit too apathetic. Also, it is impossible for us all to agree on a worldwide goal for our lives besdes survive at any means. We're all so different.

2007-03-03 17:23:33 · answer #9 · answered by Kimberly 2 · 1 0

just turn on your basic cable television.its unbelievable most of the stuff on there.sex, violence,language. networks like spike tv should not be around.The world was a lot better in the 60's and so was the tv shows.

2007-03-03 17:25:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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