I am Latina from Brazil. I don't take offense to your question like all these others do..you asked a fair question based on your opinion. so let me give you the answer you asked for, here are pictures of Brazilian Latina women:
Also Brazilian Girls are arguably the hottest girls on earth. Take a look
I take back what I said above about NOT TAKEING OFENSE!! after seeing your other question: "Why did they put these ugly ethnic girls in sport illustrated?" I now all agree with all the comments about you being a racists Biotch!! Also I BEG FORGIVENESS to everyone here that I gave a thumbs down for just writing you off as racist. I wish so much I cold take back my thumbs down.
Get a life Hitler!!
2007-03-03 11:08:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They r WAY more dark-skinned women that look better than Heidi Klum or Giselle! Ur just too ignorant to open ur eyes!
2007-03-06 15:25:52
answer #2
answered by angeltori1432 4
You're right. The only sistas I find attractive are the ones with a lot of White blood in them like Hallie Berry. Then their features become less coarse and bestial. No wonder the brothas want to have kids with White women: to improve the breed.
2007-03-06 07:22:58
answer #3
I'm not going to take offence beacuse this is your opinion and to be honest it's shared by many people. If you find white girls more attractive then thats up to you.
But i really do think you need to get out a bit more because there are plenty of gorgeous dark skinned women. if your looking for some models then theres, naomi campball, tyra banks, yasmin warsame, liya kebede.
LOL in case you haven't seen pictures of them then just look them up.
If you still feel the same then fair enough.
2007-03-03 11:48:50
answer #4
answered by Zaina 3
You are a bias person. People are the most stupid beings on this planet because they think everyone should like what they like. The statement that you just made doesn't apply to everyone, I don't like "fair skinned" girls as much as I like my darker, sexier, women. I find dark-skinned Latino and African-American women so, so, so hot! That's MY preference and opinion! Why are you on the internet posting YOUR opinions about people as the golden-rule on the subject? I could care less about what type of women you find attractive. This world is so vast and full of culture, maybe you should get out of the Western world and travel across the REAL world. I'm 100% AFRICAN-American male and I don't buy into this, "Whiter than thy" act. Because I have enough common sense to know that race alone does not equate beauty.
2007-03-03 09:31:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Your taste is simply more for the lighter skinned types. The problem with ideas of beauty is that they're subjective, and usually influenced by your culture.
And Giselle is olive skinned. That's not "fair skinned." So-called "fair" is usually termed ivory or porcelain. So it seems you DO like darker tones.
2007-03-03 09:52:15
answer #6
answered by Danagasta 6
Well Heidi Klum is married to the blackest of blackest of men, but I do LOVE Seal though and all his music.
Just go ask her, see if she doesn't go lynch your a.s.s...
And for the idiot above me, they are in DIRE need of an education. From the bottom of their heart lol....
2007-03-06 18:44:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There are plenty of gorgeous Black, latino, Asian, Indian women that look wayyyy better then Heidi Klum.
2007-03-03 09:45:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Fair skin is your opinion of beautiful. I also have fair hair, skin and eyes but I have always thought that women with darker skin look more exotic and beautiful, especially in the summer months it seems all they have to do is brush on a little bronzer on their face with a little lip gloss and they are ready...... Who wouldn't want that?
2007-03-03 09:28:57
answer #9
answered by M B 5
the guy above me is an *** hole, spread nose, what about the large caucasion nose with the large bump and curve, all your genralizations are just that, go shove a lightbulb in your rectum!
2007-03-05 15:19:39
answer #10
answered by ♥S0uNd 0f InSaN!Ty ♥ SS 5