IN 1994 I was driving a double decker bus when word came through that Ayrton Senna passed away from his injuries ,I had seen the crash before I started my shift .
2007-03-03 10:46:24
answer #1
answered by not a mused 3
In 2001 I went back to college as a mature student and was in a stationer's getting pens and paper and things when I heard about the terrorist attacks on the radio. I went home and put on the television, and saw the second plane hit the twin towers live.
Not a good day.
2007-03-03 22:11:44
answer #2
answered by Orla C 7
we were on holiday and there were heavy storms the night before when princess Diana died and my father in law said after listening to the radio princess Diana has just died and i said yeah right course she has i couldn't believe it, also we were on holiday celebrating a friends birthday when 9/11 happened but we had no TV or newspapers so we were singing and laughing and joking all day oblivious to what had happened then we went to a pub that evening all laughing and joking and the bar woman said have you not heard any news today we said no why then she showed it to us on the telly and we all felt sudden shock and highly inappropriate for the way we had behaved that day.
2007-03-03 10:14:38
answer #3
answered by vici 4
I remember EXACTLY what i was doing when 9/11 all kicked off.
I was working in my friends parents garden demolishing stone pillars in order to erect a fence.
We heard his mother shout us in to see what was unravelling on the television. All of us, bar his father ran into the house and stood speachless in front of the kitchen television as the first of the towers came tumbeling down. While at exactly the same time, we could see his father through the window, he had started demoloshing one of the two remaining stone pillars in the garden with a sledge hammer.
2007-03-03 09:15:06
answer #4
answered by trickyrick32 4
i can vivadly remember the day princess diana died, i came downstairs in the morning and my mum was sat watching the news and she explained what was happening. it was really sad. im not sure why we would remember exactly what we were doing when someone famous died or big tragedy happened, i think its for our own psychological well-being though
2007-03-03 09:51:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My ex husband and our little son and I were on the first day of our holiday in St Just in Cornwall when Princess Diana died. We were in shock for most of it.
2007-03-03 09:11:59
answer #6
answered by ? 7
I remember that too. My sister was very upset and because I saw her crying, it started me crying too.
There was a door which was off the hinges and I remember being curled up behind it, really upset but not quite knowing why!
2007-03-03 09:23:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
well he died the same year i was born so i have no memories of him
2007-03-03 09:09:52
answer #8
answered by just ask jo 3
was painting my kitchen when i heard motorcycle racer joey dunlop had been killed. joey was world famous but he was our local hero.
2007-03-03 14:15:30
answer #9
answered by pamela g 4