If someone is harassing you, there is legal action you can take.
If you're talking about a one time thing, I doubt you could do anything about it and it certainly wouldn't be worth your money to hire a lawyer and take them to court.
2007-03-03 08:28:06
answer #1
answered by Ashley 4
I believe you mean "sue" in this case; "sew" is associated with a needle and thread, mending clothes and such. You could possibly sue them for harrassment if they did this to you many times, or at least get the person charged. Was there witnesses? Criminal intent? Evidence or supporting proof is important. However, this area is "iffy." Probably wouldn't get to trial, and just imagine the expenses if it did. Honestly, you may get some dignity back (if any dignity was lost), but it isn't worth all the legal fees. Just go about your business and avoid that person.
2007-03-03 16:26:06
answer #2
answered by Lana 2
Get out your needle and thread! It's sewing time!
(Actually, you cannot SUE a person for cursing at you.)
2007-03-03 16:24:49
answer #3
answered by new_friends_gr 3
No, but if they are harrassing you, you can get a PFA (Protection From Abuse) against them. Make sure you have probable cause and then seek out a lawyer or police department. They can help you.
2007-03-03 16:27:36
answer #4
answered by ? 3
not in America, thats freedom of speech!
2007-03-03 16:23:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
grow up . you are whats wrong with America.
2007-03-03 16:26:23
answer #6
answered by earth_bound2003 2