They have all those women wearing skimpy clothing and prostituting themselves. As they do this they lure innocent men to break their marital vows and have sex with them.
How can your society survive when it is ruled by the seductive harlots?
12 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
I am against Bellydancers also and any expose of the seductress female.
09:33:42 ·
update #1
However, you Westerners are ever bit as guilty as the Infidel arabs.
09:34:22 ·
update #2
Its not all womens fault. The media, designers, tv, movies. They all say that women should dress this way or that way to be sexy. It ridiculous to assume its all the womens fault. They grow up thinking that thats how they have to dress to get a man's attention. And there are many studies that show that women who are prostitutes usually had something bad happen to them as children that made them think in a different way and end up abusing there own bodies. If the blame really has to be put on someone it should be put on tv, movies, and designers(which half the designers of women's clothing are men)
2007-03-03 08:26:14
answer #1
answered by Chelle's Belle 4
Look who is talking. Let's see, Islam had this prophet who had, what was it 9 or 10 wives, one of which was taken at age 9. In Islam, women are possessions, not really a person with rights. Her opinion has only half the value of that of a man's. She is deemed to be incapable of learning anything, so why bother teaching her anything.
Oh yes, talk about skimpy dress, I agree with another respondent, what about belly dancers? While some of our women may prositute themselves for various reasons, none of our women are made to live as a prostitute if their husband is sent to jail as a means of making a living, OR to shorten his prison term. Yes, I am aware of this practice. I have seen the area in Istanbul for this, it was sickening.
. Your own prophet, so your history records, was led by what his wife had to say. Men in Islam make a play at being the ruling force, but they are no better than any other man any where else. Your religion gives him power over his wife, and over women because of his own morale ineptitude.If a man gives in to a woman's desires for sex, it is his own fault. He should know better, and seek to be true to his wife. I believe that your society is a lot more sick than ours ever could be. It is ruled by people who only want power and authority. There is little freedom for the people, and even less for women. So, clean up your own act before picking at western civilization. By the way, during the time Britain basically ruled the Middle East, I believe that certain of your customs and religious beliefs were "modified" to be closer to the ideas of your western rulers. Your culture is so weak that it can't keep it's own beliefs intact even when under the rule of another power. History of the Middle East has demonstrated that.
2007-03-03 17:24:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
this is America if you don't like it go back to the middle east . i think that is wonder full that our women aren't afraid to show them self .they are not harlots .i feel sorry for any one who has not experienced a strong women .a women forced to live life ashamed of the fact that she is a women is a shame on the culture she lives in not on her .shame on you for asking that question.
2007-03-03 16:24:16
answer #3
answered by earth_bound2003 2
Unless these women are literally raping married men, the men share some of the blame.
2007-03-03 16:19:51
answer #4
answered by Ashley 4
Don't belly dancers wear skimpy clothes?
2007-03-03 16:22:50
answer #5
answered by ivorytowerboy 5
You can't blame an attractive woman for a mans infedelity,
2007-03-03 16:18:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I guess you've never been to the Middle East or the Far East! Talk about moral and cultural filth!
2007-03-03 16:25:35
answer #7
answered by kjv_gods_word 5
why is your culture so oppressive and murderous? oh and I am going to flag you for racial slurs and harassment. I bet you actually live in a western country! just leave if you don't like who we are! thank you for calling my culture and me a prostitute!
2007-03-03 16:23:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Ask Hollywood!
2007-03-03 16:19:59
answer #9
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
straight from the world of Harem wives and bellydancers?
2007-03-03 16:26:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous