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we're supposed to be choosin our options for yr10 but i dunno wat to choose. im interested in languages and im good at art but i think ders no point in choosing art cuz it wont get me anywhere in life! help!!!

2007-03-03 08:03:25 · 14 answers · asked by x.x.lil devil.x.x 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

14 answers

I understand what you say about art. Often people who do art also have a second job that brings in the money in case their art does not bring in money. You say you are interested in languages, so please check out this amazing site:


There are many professions that involve languages, anything from a writer or an editor to a translator or interpreter. I really hope this helps.

If none of that interests you, think about topics or subjects you enjoy (biology, chemistry, physics, weather, astronomy, math, etc.) or anything you love learning about and consider careers in those areas. Consider this site as well:


This site also gives other useful articles about careers and how to choose them. Good luck : ) !

2007-03-03 08:14:43 · answer #1 · answered by Alice 2 · 0 0

Art is a nice thing to do once or twice a week, just to chill out from normal life. And if you can do languages then do because you might want to emigrate or get a job abroad or go travelling and it'll really help. I did history because I like the stories and I find it interesting, I also did RE because I liked the ide of getting ordained, and food tech because I can cook but I did pretty bad with that. And I don't remember what else.
To be honest though what you study doesn't matter, only what you get in them. So choose things you enjoy! You'll do great!

2007-03-03 08:33:17 · answer #2 · answered by floppity 7 · 0 0

From someone who's been through the school and university system in the UK, take it from me - unless you have a clear intention for your career right now, then the subjects you choose for GCSE don't matter AT ALL. The fact is, you have to do maths, English and a language anyway. I'm 24, I did 9 GCSEs, and apart from those core subjects, the others are barely worth the paper they're printed on. The only thing that matters is that I have 9 of them at certain grades. Take it seriously, but don't worry at your age what you want to do in life. Employers really, really do not look at what subjects you did at GCSE, so long as they're there.

2007-03-03 08:10:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

your pretty much right that art wont really get you anywhere but youve got to spend the next 2 yrs of your life studying whatever you choose now so make sure you enjoy what you take. also some subjects are definatly easier than others but worth the same so try things like IT and Business studies as they are soo usefull and easy as you obviously use a computer so would probably manage most of them now. subjects like history an geography sound good but are soo intensive you should only consider them if your either very good or very intrested. most college courses only require maths and english and then some ask for specific GCSES but if you cant stand to take them now for 2 yrs you wont want to take them in another 2 years Hope this helps you I only took mine 2 yrs ago and ive just decided what to do in college so know hoe yr feeling thins is my best advice for you and is what ive just told my little sister so good luckmand do something you love jxx

2007-03-03 08:35:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If your good at art you should try art, but if you can't do art try languages. If you can't do languages you have to work to pay bills as it is a matter of survival. Art could still be a hobby though that you could later turn into a career. Whatever you do GOOD LUCK.

2007-03-03 08:10:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Points to think about to help narrow things down a bit

You like languages!!!!!!!Great ( I was crap)

Do you want to give care
teach things
control things
work alone
lead a team
work inside/ outside
work with people/ animals/machinery
be an academic
be employed
self employed
employ people

want to work

hour to suit you
till you have made your fortune
till your 65
till you have children

Think along these lines about what you want and enjoy then look for a career you want Not what you think others think you shold do.

You have one life and work is a huge slice of it.

Good Luck

If you don't like what you first choose bite the bullet and change!

Luv J


2007-03-03 08:25:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Languages will always help you, and art can be beneficial mentally/spiritually, so even if you don't make it your main focus there's no reason why you should take one art class if you enjoy it.

Just take the basics - science, math, literature, etc and see what interests you the most.

2007-03-03 08:11:29 · answer #7 · answered by Ashley 4 · 0 0

Art will get you wherever you can take it & it can take you, in 25 years time do you think you will wish to think

"I'm stuck in a job i hate"

or would you prefer to think

'' I am following my heart and being an artist''

life flows past quick & if you don't chase the dream it passes you by

2007-03-03 09:52:17 · answer #8 · answered by thunor 5 · 0 0

Go for A's in language if you can stomach more of it. There is a good call for interpreters and other capacities in a good many parts of government these days.

--That Cheeky Lad

2007-03-03 08:49:39 · answer #9 · answered by Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad 7 · 0 0

dogg come on now mayn get yo self together keep ya head up mayn we all on dis earth 2gether mayn we all get those feelings mayn u gotta keep strivin keep hustlin get money fuak hoes dope cars mayn get ya self da good life and everything will fall into place keep ya head up high homie dont let nobody ***** wit u mayn u a king dogg remember dat dis aint no chase by da way dis young tyson mayn

2016-03-28 22:28:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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