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instead of executed

2007-03-03 07:51:11 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

22 answers

burn them at a stake, slow painful death

2007-03-03 10:35:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You got the point. It's almost impossible to change one's sexual preference. Try to make a straight man gay or a gay man straight. You got a really tough job ahead of you!
Therefore, sexual preference of paedophiles will always be children.

Why execution? A paedophile has destroyed someone's life. Thnk of the poor child who will be traumatised for lifetime. If murderers can be executed in USA and some other countries and some Asian countries execute drug dealers and people who insult the king, why shouldn't they execute people whose crime is much worse?
A murderer can repent, a drug dealer can get an honest job, a king is also human so he should't take things so hard, but a paedophile will always have lust for children. No parents would be delighted if their child is abused, except if they are paedophiles themselves.

While homosexual relationship can be consesual and it's a relationship between two adults, there is no way a relationship can work out between an adult and a child.

2007-03-03 16:38:22 · answer #2 · answered by AQ - מלגזה 4 · 2 0

Like idiots, too many people give pedophiles second chances, and then third chances....and fourth, and so on until the sick bastard molests all the kids in the neighborhood. And then he goes and murders one or buries the child alive, which is a very common occurence lately.

Pedophiles can never be rehabilitated, and none ever have been. They get out of prison and go back to what they were doing to children. They need to be executed. It is the only way. People who think executions are uncivilized are unrealistic, and it is their attitudes that embolden these sick pedophiles to commit their crimes again.

2007-03-03 17:22:53 · answer #3 · answered by Lord Vader 2 · 0 0

Because some of us don't believe in judicial execution. Some of us don't believe we have the right to take a life in cold blood, irrespective of what they have done.

I have to confess, some cases try that belief, but still I hold to it. I don't believe the death penalty is morally acceptable.

I can hear the "What if it was your child?" calls already. Of course I would feel like killing the criminal. Doesn't make it morally right, does it?

Unfortunately, when you ask such a question, too many people rush to show how caring they are by competing in a "Who can think of the most bizarre way to kill a nonce?" contest.

2007-03-03 15:59:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't believe pedophiles should be executed, but they shouldn't be wandering the streets either. Therapy while in jail (or being stuck in a psych ward, which isn't much better) would probably be best.

Pedophiles are criminals, and they should fulfill their sentence when found guilty for a crime, but I believe that pedophiles can resist urges and / or get better with the right help, and there is absolutely no reason to execute them.

2007-03-03 15:56:33 · answer #5 · answered by Ashley 4 · 1 0

i personally think that execution is an easy way out for them and would as gruesome as it sounds i would lock them up for many,many year and have the same done to them as they did by quite a few people at a time. the same as rapist, they are worse than murderers, they leave the people behind to suffer for the rest of there lives so why shouldn´t they suffer. and as for the judges that give them the poxy sentence see how they would like it if it was one of there children or family that it happened to when the bastard gets after they release them just 2 or 3 years later.

2007-03-03 16:00:36 · answer #6 · answered by gn 1 · 0 0

The most important consideration is that children should be protected from paedophiles, completely and permanently.

It does not matter how we do it. There is no cure.

Why some people think they can be cured by therapy is beyond me because there is no evidence to support this.

2007-03-03 16:25:14 · answer #7 · answered by oldtimer 3 · 0 0

HMMM, dont really know. I think as long as it is proved without any doubt that a person is a paedophile then they should be executed. I would still say that even if it was someone in my own family (which there is not)
Maybe some people think they can be changed by therapy etc.. that all horse sh*t cause how can someone change their sexuality, you can not suddenly go from fancying men to fancying women cause a therapist told you its wrong to fancy men!!
good question, i could stay here all night typing but gotta go watch a movie!! thanks

2007-03-03 15:59:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

uuum speaking as someone who was abused i always thought the death sentence was the best idea until i read this how many children would come forward and tell about the crimes committed to them if they knew that the person doing this to them and maybe someone the child loved would get killed for it, torture i think would be best perhaps being raped by four or five men on a daily basis until suicide is the best option for themselves to take their own life then dont give them any help for the psychiatric care they will undoubtedly need afterwards let them live with the mental torture for years too, if that dosent work torture them again and again and again see how they like it

2007-03-03 18:53:53 · answer #9 · answered by vici 4 · 0 0

How do you explain to the child that the father they love is being executed for abusing him/her. The child still loves their father just hates what he is doing to him/her. How much guilt would the child carry if by speaking out they caused their father to be killed ?
There are many types of abuse. Paedophilia is one word for a variety of people and not all should be condemned outright (and no I am not condoning what they have done) some can be helped.

2007-03-03 16:39:37 · answer #10 · answered by bluegirl 3 · 1 0

I do not agree with the whole therapy thing I hope it works if they do it when they have them in jail but the fact Is they need to be removed from good society they are hurting children, I am not one to care about the criminal I care about justice for the victim especially when its a child who can not defend them selves.
I wish we could go back to the day where you hurt (rape,sexually assault) they took you out and hanged you, alot less people commited crimes because they knew the penalty, now they make sure not to use a weapon since they get 3-5 years with out a weapon and 20- life with a weapon.
They are using our good will and all this whole reform the little dears to their advantage to continue to hurt children, they are preying on the weak and helpless.

When people died from committing crimes like these there were alot less violent crimes commited like several thousand instead of hundred of thousands a year.
People can control themselves when they know they have to pay such a high price.

2007-03-03 16:02:30 · answer #11 · answered by Blessed Rain 5 · 0 2

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