LSD is like scooping your brain out of one state of reality into another. It is the gateway through which one can painstakingly introspect the essence of their being and ask the questions that they''ve always wanted to know and was locke in their mind.
I've used LSD and have had positive, life-changing results.
The only downside is the availability and potency of acid is far shy of it's heydays in the 60s/70s.
2007-03-03 06:38:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A few times - when I was young and stupid. Had a few ok experiences - it's kind of hard to describe, though. Everything was enhanced. Sight, sound, taste, things that were just mildly amusing became hilarious. (A friend of a friend wanted to set me up with someone - met him, and he was only about 4'6" tall - so I started singing the Munchkin song from the Wizard of Oz. I found it amusing, he didn't.) Watching Lawnmower Man, CandyMan, and The Doors movie was intense... they're pretty weird even if you're sober. But also sat with friends through bad trips, and that was NOT pretty. My friend tried a "green monster" tab - and for over 12 hours, she screamed in panic, crying hysterically every time she saw something green. That was partially our fault though - she was kinda gullible, so we told her that this LSD was called green monster because once you take it, you see little green monsters everywhere. God, we were mean.
I can't believe some of the stupid things I was willing to try when I was younger - I had no fear, thought I was immortal back then.
2007-03-03 06:40:25
answer #2
answered by ~StepfordWife~ 3
Local Security Database?
2007-03-03 06:31:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Not me, sorry. But I would be careful if I were you. Everyone I know who has tried LSD say they were never the same after.
2007-03-03 06:32:12
answer #4
answered by zaytox0724 5
Nope, was supposed to and the plan fell through. If you want to experiment with any drugs, just try smoking weed. It isn't dangerous, and then you can at least somewhat feel like you've satisfied your curiosity.
2007-03-03 06:36:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Your not a goodie two shoes you just have a good head on your shoulders.. This is the truth. about 9 years ago I met a mother and father with their 17 year old son who was in a wheelchair. He was completly unaware of anything around him.. My mother was with me and she got talking to his mother who told my mother that her son took one L.S.D tablet. It was his first ever according to his friends who were with him when he took it.. He collapsed shortly after taking it and is now completly brain damaged. His parents who look worn out have to do everything for him.. Thats the Gospel truth..
2007-03-03 06:32:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Don,t do it or you might not come back from your trip where do you think the fraze came from Burn Out I have tryde ii befor and it is there is nothing good about it that someone needs to know
2007-03-03 06:37:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, I haven't and I never would.
2007-03-03 06:31:47
answer #8
answered by Backwoods Barbie 7