Your view on life is also your meaning of life? You actually have a meaning of life? Or have you crossed that thin line where one treads into the purpose of their life. I can understand your views...but, to my knowledge no one has ever answered the meaning of life...why? I don't believe one definition of the meaning of life could frame in the entire peoples of the universe. If what you wrote is your views...then, I applaud you -- good thinking. However, your purpose in life is what you will do in life. The meaning of life? Only He knows... I respect your views and I found that interesting. Another point of view is always welcomed. It is great to share. Did you understand what I was writing about? Bless.
2007-03-03 06:16:25
answer #1
answered by missellie 7
Glory be and behold, human beings who do not want to belong to the mass need only to stop, and not be comfortable; follow their conscience, which cries out: "be yourself! all you are now doing, thinking, desiring, is not you yourself."...your educators can be only your liberators... while considering that, the will to a system: in a philosopher, morally speaking, a subtle corruption, a disease of the character; amorally speaking, his will to appear more stupid than he is—more stupid, that is to say: stronger, simpler, more imperious, more uneducated, more commanding, more tyrannical ... lest ye shall not forget, to demand of strength that it should not express itself as strength, that it should not be a desire to overcome, a desire to throw down, a desire to become master, a thirst for enemies and resistances and triumphs, is just as absurd as to demand of weakness that it should express itself as strength. a quantum of force is equivalent to a quantum of drive, will, effect—more, it is nothing other than precisely this very driving, willing, effecting, and only owing to the seduction of language (and of the fundamental errors of reason that petrified in it) which conceives and misconceives all effects as conditioned by something that causes effects, by a "subject," can it appear otherwise. for just as the popular mind separates the lightning from its flash and takes the latter for an action, for the operation of a subject called lightning, so popular morality also separates strength from expressions of strength, as if there were a neutral substratum behind the strong man, which was free to express strength or not to do so. but there is no such substratum; there is no "being" behind doing, effecting, becoming; "the doer" is merely a fiction added to the deed—the deed is everything.
2007-03-03 06:41:56
answer #3
answered by mezizany 3
The reason or the sense of anything is not given to us to know. The universe is too vast and the ways of life too complex for us to know from whence it came and whence it goes. We only know what is set before us. What task is upon our very small plate. We never know if we’re too early or too late; or even if we are just in time. So we journey on blindly, reckoning not the climb. Thinking we know the way and what will come. Then out of nowhere it does come. We are left wondering what happened. This is the will of God in all of its sublime, though capricious, circumstance. The flutter of a butterfly’s wing on the winds of time. We need only know, that in the vastness of time and space, we are, after all, but a mote, moving through a speck of time. The universe churned long before us and will do so, long after. We are special only to those who know us and only for a brief time. Thereafter, it really doesn’t matter. We are gone and too soon forgotten, while life goes on.
Kings and heroes we know of from long ago, but what of the farmer who grew his food or the tailor that made his clothes. Can you name them? Yet, they lived when he did and their name did not come down through time. Few ever do. One in a million, it is said, is ever remembered to future time. What of prehistory, where no names are known? That was just five thousand years ago. Man stretches back to a million or so. What names or great deeds are now remembered from then? So you see, in time, all is forgotten and life goes on.
Man has, since history began, those five thousand years ago, tried to immortalize himself to future time. The Egyptians and others built pyramids and stone temples from lavish to simple to enshrine their name. Even today, we place granite or marble where we lay, to remind others of our name and time, but even stone wears away. It is hapless and hopeless to attempt to keep our name alive, not even sending it through history upon an another, because generations end. Though they may not. It just depends. However, from whence it was got is soon forgot . Think only of having your deeds recorded in history, where they will live to a ripe old age. Although the story is soon forgotten, as is your name. Today, we cherish our heritage and name, but in time, both will be forgotten - as life goes on.
The only thing that may survive is our specie; then by a name other than Latin. In some other place with a little different patent. For whence ere we go, we change. We are not those of ancient Africa born, but a different range of man, as may be clearly seen by the few remnants that remain of elder man. No doubt, if we are here, when we must flee this planet, we will have changed and shortly, as time goes, after we leave, we will change again. If ever we remain the same, having lost the capacity for change, we will perish, become extinct. Then time will have forgotten man. It will be up to others, of a different specie, to give our distinct bones names, if any of them remain within the sand . Perhaps, some remnant of our deeds will go on for others to puzzle over, but not our name. That is for kings and others of note, if any record of them remain. All else is forgotten and life goes on.
Do you know who your great-grandparents are? Do you know their life’s story? Do you remember meeting them? Can you remember their names? Do you know where they lay? Can you go to their grave? While four-generation families are becoming more common, fifth generations are rare and even less remembered. Stories of them are not told, although they were much more bold than we. Pioneers and adventurers though they were, few of them are remembered. This is the province of the rich and famous not the poor and mundane. Sadly, we fail to remember those who came before, when naught marks their passage upon this earth. So, it is, as life goes on.
2007-03-03 07:36:04
answer #4
answered by Sophist 7