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I am writing a research paper for college concerning the effects of a national smoking ban. I would love feedback from you all on these following questions. Thank You so much!

1. How much do you smoke per day?

2. How much do you spend per day/week?

3. If you live in a state that imposes the Clean Indoor Air Act, did this deter you from smoking? (Did you cut down or quit?)

4. With each rise in cigarette excise tax, does this increase deter you from smoking? (Did you cut down, or quit?)

5. Do you want to quit? If so...

6. What methods have you used to help you quit, and were they effective?

(I may be posting this question several times to get a good number of participants. Please post only once. Again, Thank You!)

2007-03-03 05:46:41 · 3 answers · asked by NicotineFit 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

1. How much do you smoke per day?

1 pack

2. How much do you spend per day/week?

2 packs per day four days a week, so $32/wk

3. If you live in a state that imposes the Clean Indoor Air Act, did this deter you from smoking? (Did you cut down or quit?)

I have never had the chance to smoke indoors, and probably never would.

4. With each rise in cigarette excise tax, does this increase deter you from smoking? (Did you cut down, or quit?)

Unfortunately, smoking is an addiction. So an excess tax will not make me able to quit. Only make the addiction more prominent and my mental state more depressing.

5. Do you want to quit? If so...

I would love to be able to quit, but I feel so emotionally attached.

6. What methods have you used to help you quit, and were they effective?

I have done the patch, gum and lozenge.
I have also been hypnotized.
I have also gone through the EasyWay program.
Nothing has been successful for more than two or three days.
I plan on getting the drug Chantix as a last resort before I head off to a 10 in house rehab program in the Napa Valley.

2007-03-03 06:13:03 · answer #1 · answered by emaaaazing! 4 · 1 0

1) I roll my own cigarettes. So its hard to measure by packs like most people do. But I'd say, maybe 12-18. Somewhere in there.

2) A bag of tobacco is about $10, plus rolling papers...so thatd be about $15 per 10 days or so.

3) I live in Canada now, and theres new regulations about smoking in public places (a certain number of feet from public buildings, etc.). In my homestate though theres still places where you can smoke indoors.

4) No.

5) Nope.

6) I havent.

2007-03-03 05:53:50 · answer #2 · answered by Jesus W. 6 · 1 0

1-2 packs per day

2-7.00 per day, 49.00 per week


4-No. Just switch to cheaper brands.

5-Not right now. Probably eventually but am not going to quit because others tell me to, or because of TRUTH commercials, or rising prices. Will only quit when I decide to.

6--Have tried to quit only twice. One time I used nicotine gum. 2nd time I just cut down to 3 cigarettes a day for a few weeks. Nicotine gum did not seem to help much.
Basically, if either technique had been effective FOR ME, I wouldn't still be smoking.

2007-03-03 05:54:30 · answer #3 · answered by d h 3 · 1 0

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