First educate the people about family planning methods and government should give some incentives to people to practice family planning. spread awareness among illiterate and poor people. such things must happen seriously. only then it is possible to control the increasing populations in not only in India as well as World.
2007-03-05 20:00:08
answer #1
answered by jitesh kumar 3
The population control measures are going on. The poplulation growth rate of has come down from 1.9% in the mid of 1993 to 1.38% in the year 2006. This rate is espected to recede to a greater extent by another decade.
The Birht rates are as follows:
1976 34.4/1000
1986 32.6/1000
1996 27.5/1000
2000 25.8/1000
2007 22.01/1000 (Est.)
We can contribute in reducing the rate further by spreading awareness about population explosion. About 15 to 20 percent of Indian married couple are infertile. Around 30 million children in India are orphans. These infertile couple could adopt children from the orphanages instead of surrogate treatments. Even the feritle couples can adopt children from orphanages in addition to what they have. These activities would be helpful in population control as well enhance the progress of the country.
I believe the picture is improving. Progress has its own pace. The U.S.A. took more than 200 years to develop into a strong and completely developed nation as today (British America broke of with It's colonial sister in the year 1776). India has just gone through 60 years. have patience...
2007-03-04 16:43:53
answer #2
answered by plato's ghost 5
It is an old and live problem faced by India and so many plannings and programmes are introduced by the Govts. so far but still the question remains. Our elders ...say about 50 years back had big families consisting of almost a dozen. But we the present generation is maintaining 1 or 2 children. But the civil code is not the same for all in this country. I have seen a friend with more than one wife and when I met him recently he asked me "How many children?". I replied :" One plus One." and questioned him about his children. He said:"Eleven".. then added "Sorry".! Obviously he felt guilty...but his religion permits him to have wives and children. So ..instead of saying sorry... one should try not to be sorry. !!!. Comman Civil Code can be helpful to population problem in India.
2007-03-03 06:04:50
answer #3
answered by vasudev s 3
If the girl is educated then she will marry late and have fewer children.
The population growth will slow down.
Educate the people about family planning methods in the country.
Increase the tax on families who have more than 3 children.
2007-03-03 05:56:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
that's a great and positively undertaking in some international places in recent times, including China, India and Africa. The subculture and environment are considerable factors to electrify the inhabitants value. touching on China, the government is placed diverse themes in previous to press down the expanding inhabitants. yet, it introduced yet another ethical undertaking later on. in basic terms one little ones is authorized in each kinfolk. even if, boy is extremely importance for a chinese language kinfolk. they suspect that that's merely thank you to maintain on their ancestor. So, the female offspring will receive up and need to have yet another risk. ok! yet another technique is penalty. that's far less attainable and that they desire to pay extra even they're so poor. In contemporary financial of China, it style of feels no effect because of the fact a lot of human beings have money. on the different hand, the education point is one among factor. individual is organic aparting from any education. They do what they desire whilst the situation isn't something around them. intercourse is a straight forward one and it convey them chuffed in ideas. proper! the thank you to do it? To punish them, educate them, set place for them, administration their ability of technology in the different case. No way! The stability might come whilst imbalancing time. it must be seems with the help of how of sickness or conflict. ........ may be
2016-12-18 14:34:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
2007-03-03 05:43:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The answer is so simple. Everybody knows what NOT to do to stop population from increasing.
2007-03-03 05:42:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
children in their 10th std must be taught about sex education,
after second child, every woman must be asked to get the family planning operation to be done.
the government has already started to invest Rs.10,000 for a girl child.
education must be given free till 10th std.
such things must happen seriously. only then it is possible to decrease the growth.
2007-03-03 06:46:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I am working on a wonderful. earth saving.virus as i speak.I will release it world wide in 2012 so as to fulfill the ancient prophecies.
Praise God.
2007-03-03 05:41:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Spread awareness among youth.
2007-03-03 09:22:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous