India is amongst one of the rapidly developing countires world. Since these 60 years of Independence things have improved to a large scale. The position of women has improved too. Just comparing the status of women 40 years ago in the country can tell the difference. Although a lot needs to be improved, but the progress is ongoing and smooth.
I'm not comparing the status with other nations, as the post independence era of the country is just 60 years that is far less as comapred to other developed countries like USA (more than 200 years since it split apart from its colonial sister), UK, China, etc.
My personal experience enforces me to believe taht women in India are respected more than any any other country. Although I hear a lot of news about crimes against women, but practically, since last 12 years, I have travelled to a hell lot of places in India (both rural and urban), got acquainted with a lot of people, saw a lot of families, but never did I come across with anyone who would want to demean the dignity of a women. It's quite possible that I may have missed out such incidents. Crime against women in India is a fact. My experience is a fact too. Media hypes the news is another fact. Few of my known ones have experienced ill treatments towards women. This makes the topic quite difficult to be commented on.
I believe that women in India are enjoying a respectasble position, and whatever ill treatments, a few tit-bits of the society is offering them would be soon diminished... TOUCHWOOD.
Good question...
2007-03-04 15:56:55
answer #1
answered by plato's ghost 5
Great .... India is the country where Women are given the highest respect. "Yathra Naryanthu Poojyanthe... Ramanthe Thatra Devata" (Sanskrit) which means " God prevails where the women are worshipped". As Mother... Wife....Sister.. A man cannot consider the life complete without her. The very Nature itself is given a faminine gender. Without her in one or other forms there can't be life at all. Her qualities of tolerance and forgiveness and sacrifice and support is beyond appreciation.
She is not only the beauty but also the Power. We call the Goddess of Power "Shakti Swarropini". Why to say much ..just remember the saying "Behind the Success of every Man there is a Woman". So... dear Man... keep Worhipping Woman. There is also a saying "Out of 4 corners of a Home...One is of Man and 3corners are of woman" .
2007-03-03 13:35:30
answer #2
answered by vasudev s 3
Position of women in India is upto the mark in the cities only. Most of the women are the sufferrers now also . The mentality of the men that is the dominated people cannot be changed. If or not she is earning or not she has to perhaps behave like a dependent person. She can't have her own choices from childhood to the other phases of life. Status of women will be fine if she will not marry.
2007-03-05 06:10:29
answer #3
answered by RUBY 2
To be perfectly honest I simply do not care. Do you think India women sit around wondering about the position of American women?
2007-03-03 13:19:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Indian society worships women as their mother and there are many goddess worshiped by Hindus, politically there were and are prime ministers and chief ministers and governors, business magnets in the Indian Society. There are many women doctors and engineers.
I think the way Women are worshiped in India it does not happen any where.
2007-03-03 13:50:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Women were always respected in India. Though more in past but rare presently, the widow is burnt alive together with dead body of husband, a temple made in her memory and worshipped as deity & goddess. Daughters never had or now have any share in father's inheritence & succession. Hinduism does not allow remarriage of widows. Divorce is unknown in Hinduism. Despite remarriage after divorce decree from any court under recently enacted/legislated laws of secular legislative assemblies or parliament, a woman always remains Ardhangini (half body) of her Pati Parmeshwar (Lord) even in future rebirths. Hindu marriages are unbreakable since performed before 330 millions gods and goddesses in the heaven (not upon earth) between two souls (not between persons). Bride's parents have to pay the demanded dowry (cash, gold, silver, articles, clothes, etc.) to bridegroom for his marrying. If further such demands are not fulfilled, wives are harassed, subjected to severe mental & physical cruelty and sometimes killed or burnt alive, to marry any rich girl to repeat the same. Despite stern laws, the menace is over increasing.
2007-03-03 15:13:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
oh, women in india are given more importance than in any other country.
2007-03-03 14:48:55
answer #7
answered by princess131 1
Indian women are more sexy , but they don't expose.
2007-03-03 13:11:36
answer #8
answered by bhaskar c 1