Keep doing it,you're doing something that you strong believe in and what other people think shouldn't matter.It takes a long time for an idea to be accepted in society but the more people that do it the more familiar it becomes.The fact that you keep doing it shows how strong you are and there are those that will strongly admire you for that (like me)
So don't think on it,teenagers hate anything that's outside their norm but they'll grow out of it and in time people will come to accept different cultures and beliefs,right now a great many people are ignorant to Muslim beliefs,but they'll learn as it emerges more in their culture.
2007-03-03 05:14:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It may be easier to put up with the rudeness of others if we understood something about why they are being so rude. As you may well know, there is a great need for acceptance and a great need to be noticed by most young people just entering the “terrible teens.” In those circumstances when social skills are just being developed, most of the emphasis appears to be placed most often on being noticed. The feeling is that it’s hard to be accepted if others don’t know that you’re around. So the rudeness that you often see is generally an expression or a signal to all around, saying “Hey, here I am! Have you noticed?” Now, how does one deal with such inappropriate behavior. In the first place, any attempt to draw their rudeness to their attention will be met by immediate self justification and accusation of butting in to their business.” Yours is not the role of correction. Remember the words of the Lord in 3 Nephi 11:29,
2007-03-03 05:35:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The only way to avoid it is to avoid humanity altogether. That's something I wouldn't recommend, though. Humanity has all sorts of ignorant people who make fun of any difference they can, sometimes especially when it comes at the expense of others. Sometimes things bother me, too. But when I'm thinking about it, I actually feel sorry for them. They obviously haven't known the peace I've felt with my religion and my family (I'm not Muslim, but I've been made fun of a few times for religious reasons). Who knows how hard it is for them. And when I think of that, considering how blessed my life really is, their making fun of me becomes a very small thing.
2007-03-03 05:13:51
answer #3
answered by Laurel W 4
People do things for different reasons. Most people that make fun of others do so because they are insecure and when they laugh at others or put them down they feel superior and therefore get a very short lived boost to their self esteem. Moral of the story, these ignorant people are not laughing at you because there is something wrong with you ( you know yourself better than them and you know that the way you dress is only one part of who you are). They are laughing at you because you dress different, you are a minority and therefore a cheap pick for a boost to their self esteem. People who are worth your time and consideration value themselves and others and are secure enough in themselves that they do not feel the need to get temporary boosts of confidence from people who appear different from them. So if you want to worry about people's opinion, don't waste that worry on people who are severely lacking in the self esteem department
2007-03-03 06:47:48
answer #4
answered by uz 5
Try to overlook ignorance. Parents these days do not teach their children to respectful of others cultures, religious beliefs etc..
It does hurt when are feelings are hurt but try to look at where the hatred is being spewed from.
When you look at the source of behavior, you are able to shake it off and continue on with your task, errand, etc..
Sorry you were subjected to those mean-spirited teenagers.
2007-03-03 05:10:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
so some retard teenagers do stupid jokes, big news...
screw them, they are morons !
[hope i spelled right :) ]
2007-03-03 05:31:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous